
8:27 PM / Friday February 14, 2025

8 Jun 2024

cj speaks…Tough Love

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June 8, 2024 Category: Commentary Posted by:

Love is something that you do not always see — it is something that you feel when you meet someone special, when you give birth to your child, on the day that you say ‘I do’ and when you see God inside of yourself growing and moving — that’s love. Love can also be a powerful word that when used can break hearts, inspire people to be better, take you on journeys, and bring you both joy and tears.

Yes, love, and all its possibilities. Then there often comes a time in your life, when especially as a parent or while in a tough relationship, tough love is something that you have to pull out of your back pocket and begin to utilize in a way that you probably never ever thought you could.

As I write this, I am currently using tough love. I had to put my foot down. I had to rip my heart out of my chest, and begin to walk closer to God, remember who He is, and embrace His expectations of what direction my life should take, along with the life of my child.

Tough love is a thing that you have to go through in order to grow, save, and be saved. Tough love is not an easy step to take. It is a heartbreaking, heart-wrenching, and mind-blowing experience for everyone involved. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, on the same level as another time in my life that was even more difficult.

As tough love grows within the individual who is receiving it, it is our hope and desire that they begin to see God for who He is, begin to see themselves for who they are, and discover the fulfillment that life can bring. The joys, pain, self-awareness, direction, and the process of becoming who God says you are. It is through that tough love that we demonstrate to others what they can be, who they really are, and so many other possibilities.

As you come across tough situations, hard crossings, and pathways that you feel are crumbling, with mountains falling all around you and the person that you love, take courage. When you begin a tough love journey, know that you are not at fault. You have done your best, have given your all, and have been the best parent, lover, friend, neighbor, or whoever you are in that individual’s life… Tears may come in the night, but joy will rise with you in the morning.

Continue to love whoever that person is throughout the tough love process. Continue praying, knowing that God has a plan for not just your life, but for the lives of those around you, and those that you have yet to come across to share your love with. Now it may not seem joyful, but in your tomorrow you will be able to feel the love of God and what it means for you. Until next time, take care… PEACE!

cj is an author, poet, educator, spoken word artist, writer, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected].

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