ABOVE PHOTO: Trainer Dee with his clients.
By Kharisma McIlwaine
The ebbs of flows of being a business owner come with many challenges. Former amateur boxer and 1999 Golden Gloves champion Derrick Felder has taken all of those challenges in stride and found success as owner of Ridiculously Fitt Boxing Gym.
Ridiculously Fitt cradled in the East Falls section of Philadelphia, is the newest boxing gym to hit the Philadelphia scene. Felder was eager to talk about the gym and why it’s the perfect addition to Philadelphia’s fitness needs.
Although extremely gifted at boxing, Felder was adamant that his true dream was always to be a business owner. He beamed with pride and excitement about joining the ranks with other black business owners in the area.
“It’s been amazing. I know the challenges that I and others like myself have been through and to overcome those obstacles and hurdles to be successful, it’s a blessing,” said Felder.

Derrick Felder (Trainer Dee) works with one of his youths at the Ridiculously Fitt boxing gym. (Photo: RidiculouslyFitt.com)
Ridiculously Fitt, which officially opened its doors in February, offers a wide variety of options for clients.
“We have classes for kids, we have one on one training, I train athletes, and we have bounce classes every Thursday.”
Ridiculously Fitt is one of the only gyms that offers bounce classes in this region. Felder describes the class as dance meets trampoline shoes.
“It’s a fun innovative way to burn calories and have fun while you’re working out, and not appear to be working out.” In addition to being fun, participants can burn 900 to 1200 calories per class.”
There are a plethora of options available for people looking for ways to get in shape. Felder offered his insight on why personal relationships and a level of comfort play a huge role in one having an enjoyable workout experience.
“What we offer is unique; it’s not your typical boxing gym. It’s personal. I know each and everyone of my clients. You get the quality training without the grit and grime of a normal gym. Those things may be intimidating for people that aren’t professional fighters or even amateurs. Most people just want to get in shape, learn a technique or two and be in a cool atmosphere,” said Felder.
Felder shared this final gem for anyone struggling to sustain a consistent exercise regiment.
“The best advice I can give anyone is to start! Stop with the New Year’s resolutions. Stop with the as soon as I come back from vacation speeches. Start today! That’s the hardest part, getting started. If you can get started you’ve already won half of the battle. After that a person like myself can help.”
Felder continued, “The way I train, I know firsthand that people won’t be with me forever. So I give them the tools that they need to progress on their own. What I can give you is something you can carry on, and always be appreciative of what I gave you and I’m cool with that.”
For additional information on classes and prices email [email protected]. Follow online www.ridiculouslyfitt.com, IG: @Ridiculously_fitt on Instagram
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