
2:10 AM / Monday February 10, 2025

4 May 2024

cj speaks…Spring cleaning

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May 4, 2024 Category: Commentary, SUNrise Posted by:

There is a time when we all go through our closets, drawers, and cabinets to get rid of those things we no longer have any use for — those things that no longer make us feel beautiful or handsome as we wear them. Often, our tastes and desires change, and some things no longer fit into our lives.

That being said, spring cleaning is also a great way to rid yourself of all kinds of unwanted things, not just inside of your house, but in your life — some people you know, the places you go, and the things that you consume within your space, either daily or often. Spring cleaning is the opportunity to remove the clutter from your life so that you are able to think clearer, be more responsive and feel better about you. Having been created in God’s image, you have the ability to make meaningful decisions and choices, and to take advantage of the opportunities that spring cleaning brings.

So, in terms of ridding yourself of physical things you no longer want, do you throw them in the trash, or if they are viable, useful items, share it with others in need? Or are you only removing what no longer is important to you?

Are you removing things that just don’t have a purpose — to anyone? As you remove these things, are you replacing them as a part of your spring cleaning? Making the load of your life lighter each day should be the outcome of that spring cleaning. Spring may come once a year, but the cleansing process is ongoing – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

It is okay to be unsure of where to begin when starting your spring cleaning. But it is not okay to continue carrying the ‘junk’ in your life, knowing that changes need to be made. Today is the day to make these changes. Change is not something that you can do on your own; you have to seek God for your guidance in this new season of your life. It is never too late — “too late” is not an option with God.

Now go look into your mirror and contemplate the spring cleaning that is about to take place in your life, and about what is required to be successful in this process. Surely there are so many of your friends and family who are also spring cleaning — you can all clean together. Until next time, take care, until next time… PEACE!

cj is an author, poet, educator, spoken word artist, writer, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at [email protected].

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, The Philadelphia Sunday SUN, the author’s organization, committee or other group or individual.

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