New York, NY– Based out of New York City, GMR Public Relations is the newest addition to the glitzy, chic Public Relations industry of New York City. GMR PR specializes in entertainment and non-profit public relations, and has been drumming up quite the buzz as of late. Created by Mrs. God-is Rivera, this young African-American marketing and promotions specialist opened her own PR firm riding on confidence in her talents and just a little bit of faith; and so far her efforts have been more than rewarding.
Since GMR PR’s inception in 2009, they have made quite an impact on the industry. Their services include: media and editorial outreach, project/event coordinating, writing services, as well as creating and executing comprehensive publicity campaigns. They also boast an exceptionally intriguing clientele catalog. “GMR Public Relations prides itself on maintaining a diverse and rich client base,” says CEO God-is Rivera, “our clients all have something unique and inspiring to offer their industry.” GMR represents musicians, models, actors, non-profit organizations, lifestyle/fashion companies and several different types of creative projects.
A notable client of GMR Public Relations is the revolutionary short film “Popous Pane and The Kids He Loves to Hate”, a powerhouse short film that examines Black fatherhood and family life. The film was an HBO finalist at the American Black Film Festival and was available during the entire month of February 2010 on HBO On Demand. By applying their creative and insightful publicity practices, GMR PR created the “Being There” program based on the short film, where the film is screened at community organizations, and then followed by an essential panel discussion about Black family life.
GMR PR also has their hand on the pulse of the entertainment and event promotions scene in New York City. GMR PR has teamed up with their client, party promotions corporation Fratt House Productions, to throw a reminiscently entertaining “I Miss The 90’s Throwback Affair” on Sunday March 21st, 2010 at Sapphire Lounge of 249 Eldridge Avenue in the Lower Eastside of New York City. This exciting event will be a birthday celebration for GMR PR CEO Mrs. Rivera, as well as a chance to relive the 1990s by dressing in the clothes and enjoying the music and culture of the decade.
With the company logo and letterhead swathed in hues of pink to mirror the light-hearted and funky style of its creator, GMR is taking over the Public Relations industry one stiletto-heeled step at a time. GMR PR combines pizzazz and personality with the strong work ethic and professional skills of a young driven woman. GMR PR is going to keep making strides in the publicity industry and will continue to showcase their clients to the world.
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