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26 Aug 2022

Top five ways to reduce your home energy costs this fall

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August 26, 2022 Category: Color Of Money Posted by:


As temperatures begin dropping this fall, you may be worrying about rising energy costs. Fortunately, there are a number of simple, proactive steps you can take that will save on energy and expenses for your home — while also increasing comfort — today and well into the future. On top of that, you will also be helping to increase the value of your home with these effective energy-saving measures.

Consider these five steps to help your home become more energy efficient.

1. Give your furnace or boiler a checkup

Get in the habit of having your furnace or boiler professionally tuned up and cleaned at least once a year, ideally just before the weather starts turning colder. Just as you perform regular maintenance on your vehicle, make sure your entire HVAC system is in top condition — and replace your furnace filter at least every 90 days — to help your HVAC system run more efficiently. This will reduce your utility bills over time, while keeping you and your family warmer.

2. Go tankless

Looking for a great way to cut down on energy usage and also ensure more consistent access to hot water? Upgrading to a tankless water heater will save on energy and expenses compared to a traditional water heater. For example, Noritz EZ Series high-efficiency, condensing tankless water heaters are engineered to replace larger, conventional storage tank-type units, cutting both installation time and costs substantially. The wall-hung technology also has zero footprint in your home, which is a great space saver for smaller homes or if you just need more areas for storage. Tankless water heaters efficiently provide continuous hot water — meaning no more cold showers — along with big energy savings. In addition, tankless water heaters like the Noritz EZ Series also result in reduced carbon emissions and have a longer life expectancy than traditional models. Tankless water heaters use top-mounted water connections, avoiding the need for additional and costly plumbing. Even better, you can often find money-saving rebate programs from your local gas utility for your new tankless water heater that will help cut the installed cost even more.

3. Insulate your attic

You’re probably aware that heat rises, so if your attic is not properly insulated, you may be losing a lot of heated air through your roof every winter. Lack of good attic insulation can also lead to damage from ice buildup, which is costly to repair. If you own an older home, it’s a good idea to have your attic inspected for insulation before winter sets in. And while older homes are the least likely to have properly insulated attics, even if you have a newer home it’s worth having a professional check to see if your attic is under-insulated. This can make a big difference when it comes to heating costs.

4. Make your thermostat programmable

If it’s been a while since you upgraded your thermostat, you may be surprised at what new programmable thermostats can do to help keep your home comfortable while also saving on utility bills. The latest models provide much better fine tuning when setting your thermostat, allowing better control of the energy you’re using to heat (or cool) your home. You can make sure you’re not overheating your house when you’re asleep or not at home. Traveling or on vacation? New smart thermostats allow you to adjust your home’s thermostat controls remotely, using your phone or another electronic device.

5. Check for leaks

Every year, homeowners lose a lot of heated (or cooled) air through leaks around areas like windows, doors, and chimneys. Inspecting your home for leaks can alert you to spots where you may need to improve caulking, flashing, or weather-stripping for a fairly low-cost fix. For a longer-term solution, you may want to consider replacing older, less energy-efficient windows and doors with new ones. For help finding leaks, call your utility company. Many provide energy audits to help customers locate trouble spots in their homes.

By taking a few of these proactive steps, you can help your family stay cozy and comfortable all winter, while also helping to save energy and protect your budget.

Visit: to learn more about how you can save energy, space, and expenses on heating water for your home.

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