ABOVE PHOTO: The author and her mother Danette
By Danae Reid

According to Welches, the average mother works approximately 98 hours per week, which equates to 2.5 fulltime jobs. Like most other children, the amount of mental, physical, and emotional labor my mother endured in order to sustain our household wasn’t something I was even remotely cognizant of, but now that I’m 23-years-old, I realize that sacrifice and motherhood are synonymous.
Earth and nature are often typified as the ultimate “mother” because of the giving and nurturing qualities that both possess. In Greek mythology, the two would be called “Gaia”, but in my world, her name is Danette Reid.
My mother was born on October 2, 1968 to Patricia and James Eastland under the sign of Libra. And though I cannot be so sure that my grandparents were initially aware of how special of a person their lanky middle baby would become, I can say with 100% certainty that she’s far exceeded all of their expectations.
I have quite literally been with my mother since the moment she entered the world, (as all women are born with the max amount of ovum that they’ll ever produce), but the union that we share transcends beyond physical and biological limits.
At the age of 27, my mother birthed me into the physical world as her first child; However, I believe that our souls had been fused (in the spiritual sense) long before year one. The bond we share is one of God: special and unique in the most beautiful way. Even as an adult, I love being near her.
God has blessed me with a mom who epitomizes the phrase “lead by example” and who does so with grace. For the last 23 years, she’s been my role model and my best friend. I’ve watched her grow and I am constantly amazed by who and what she is. I’ve never met anyone like her.
Through the years, she’s taught me and many others so much about what it means to be good and has encouraged us all to strive for more. Her support, guidance, and unwavering love is what makes her so special to those who know her.
My mom’s purity is part of what makes her the most beautiful person in the the world. I’m so thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to experience her. I know that regardless of the trivialities that may come my way, I can always depend on her love and encouragement to pull me back up; my brother and my dad can say the same.
If I am ever so fortunate to become a mother, I aspire to be even a fraction of the one that she’s been to my brother and me. I’m thankful for the love, the laughter, the support, the care, the kindness, the honesty, and the honesty that she’s given me.
I’m sure motherhood can often feel like a thankless job, and I know that I could never repay my mom for all that she’s done for us, but I plan to spend the rest of my life trying.
To my mom: my best friend, my soror, the owner of a State Farm Insurance Agency, the owner of Jewel Inspired Greeting Cards, the founder of Reid Cares LLC, a wife, a friend, a daughter, and more, I want to thank you for always sounding excited to hear from me even when I call you a million times a day, always listening to me, always laughing with me, always being honest with me, for allowing me to pursue my dreams, and for being the greatest mom of all time.
I hope you have the happiest birthday and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
Love, Danaé
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