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9 Aug 2019

A Millennial Voice: Why you should journal

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August 9, 2019 Category: Commentary Posted by:

A guideline to understanding how you really feel

By Danae Reid

Danae Reid

I fell in love with writing much before I learned to appreciate introspection. Paired together, the two have changed my life significantly. Over the years, I’ve made several attempts at being consistent with journaling, but my efforts have only recently been sustained. 

Through the act of journaling, I’ve learned many different things about myself that may have otherwise remained in my blind spot. Amongst the many things that I deem most important to achieving a positive outlook on life, self-reflection quite possibly takes the lead. 

Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, journaling can be extremely beneficial for a multitude of reasons. If you’re considering starting one of your own, here are a few reasons why you should.

1. Honesty: Writing in a journal and looking in the mirror are essentially one in the same. Per my experience, when I write in my journal, I’m able to face myself in ways that I might not have prior. I’ve found that it’s sometimes easier to get to the root of an issue or feeling when I write it down. The process allows me to flesh out my feelings without worrying about sounding stupid, having incomplete thoughts, etc. The act of writing allows you to fully experience your emotions for what they are. It forces to you see what things interest you the most, what are common themes in your life, who’s most important, what’s most important, and more.

2. Relaxation: Journaling is a great way to release stress, because it acts as a release. For me, writing down my stressors from the day usually makes me feel much better, especially because I can say things in my journal that I could never say out loud. I also find the act of writing to be therapeutic within itself. Jotting down the stressors of your day also gives you a chance to analyze your triggers, come up with solutions, and to simply just get it out. 

3. Manifesting: I’m a huge believer in goal setting and manifesting, so I dedicate a huge chunk of my journal to writing down my goals and dreams and I constantly go back to reread them to myself. I’m a huge believer in the idea that “you can’t receive what you can’t see,” so having my intentions written down allows me to visualize, and it forces my brain to realize how important the goal is to me. Through the act of writing down my goals, it’s been much easier to realize what’s most important to me. 

4. Growth: I genuinely enjoy fingering through past entries and seeing how much I’ve grown and changed, and also in the ways that I haven’t or still need to (if I do). I enjoy the benefits of having my own personal “record” that’s just for me to see. 

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