On January 15, we celebrated and honored Martin Luther King, Jr. through what has been designated as a “day of service.” It is a day of service to go out and volunteer, contribute, or just do something meaningful for someone else other than ourselves. Volunteering at a local shelter or a food pantry, visiting a daycare for adults or a senior center, and reading or just saying hello to them are examples of that service. hose of us who are members of synagogues, churches, mosques, or wherever we gather to affirm what we believe in, there are always opportunities to serve for a day, a week, or maybe even a month. Why not shoot for a whole year? Even if you slow walk it, there are 366 days this year, so you have an opportunity at least 12 times, once each month, to serve.
Service does not just last for a day, it is a way of living your life, be it through a fraternity or sorority, as part of a congregation, meeting with a group of friends, or just to yourself. Let’s begin to make a change in our community beginning with who we see in the mirror. Service, helping others, and giving back is a great way to begin the new year.
Being part of an organization can set a tone and get you focused on where to begin — not that you have to stay in that organization once you get the gist of things. You can always create your own, or you can become a member of someone else’s creation, or you can spread yourself around. The whole purpose of giving back is the feeling of satisfaction you get after coming in and knowing that you have helped someone, that you assisted where there was a need. There is so much out there, audience, that you can do. There are so many ways that service does not have to be a chore for you — it can be something that you enjoy doing. You do not have to go recreate the wheel, and you don’t have to delve so deeply in search of the opportunities that are right in front of you. Just reach out to someone — make a phone call, get in your car or your skateboard, or get on SEPTA, and go find the places that you can fit into and make a world of difference in someone else’s life.
Let that day of service be the beginning of what God has created for you as we continue to become everything that He says we are. So be blessed as you bless others in your service to them, however that looks. One thing is for sure — service is the backbone of everything you do when you give back; enjoy your day.
Take care, and until next time…PEACE!
cj is an author, poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected].
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