
4:40 AM / Saturday February 8, 2025

23 Feb 2024

cj speaks…The power of the season of Lent

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February 23, 2024 Category: Commentary Posted by:

As we celebrate so many opportunities for forgiveness, to show love, to be a neighbor to others, and to just follow the prescriptions that God gives to us each and every day however we choose to seek and find whatever He has to offer.

We entered the season of Lent amidst Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and in light of 2024 being a leap year. There is so much happening in February, with an extra day to get something done. The power of the season of Lent in your life for 40 days allows you to make changes in your life which can propel you into a different place through your thoughts, actions, and in what you choose to say and do for others.

During Lent, you can give yourself to God for 40 days. You can fast by turning your plate over on things that you need to let go of, bad habits that you need to drop, the ways you may treat people or speak to people, or how you may be even treating yourself. Fasting can help you to break those habits as well as prayer. The power of the season of Lent encourages you to pray for 40 days, non-stop if your heart desires.

In the same way that He hears our prayers daily, God will honor your Lenten season prayers as well.

Lent is also a season of giving, so how will it inspire you to help others?

The power of the season of Lent is found in slowing down. When you are going too fast, taking the time to consider when you will pray, and what you will give for 40 days can seem like a tall order. If this is a new journey for you, it can feel like forever, but it isn’t a long time when you put it into perspective.

As you consider Lent, the season of praying and giving, what are you going to do differently? What are you giving up? In my own Lenten journey, I tend to also add something that I am going to do.

So along with taking away, you can also add. For example, I am going to add courage to my life and I am going to remove self-doubt — two areas that I struggle with sometimes because I am often in the public eye..

As you embrace the power of the season of Lent, allow it to give you room to grow, and to see yourself in the light of who you are, in the hopes that after the 40 days, you will have grown and been transformed into a more powerful light.

Lent is not a time that you suffer or you feel that you can’t do what God is asking you to do. It is just 40 days of just being with God — listening, hearing, and then following His instruction. Build your relationship with God during Lent, because Easter is approaching. It is a time of preparation for Easter morning when we will receive God’s abundant blessings.

Life is filled with so many trials and tribulations. The heartless actions of some people towards others are highlighted in the daily media we consume. This is the Lenten season; there is power in your prayers, fasting, and generosity. You got this! Do not allow the small struggles to defeat you — struggles are necessary to uplift you. Don’t get lost during this season of Lent. Immerse yourself in the goodness of God as He continues to bless and guide and keep you safe. It is not our battle to fight, but it is the Lord’s. So let’s do our part by taking our minds off of ourselves. Go out and help someone else, pray for those who have hurt you and for those that you have hurt, and pray for unity so that we can get along. As you fast, look for the rewards as a result of your plate being cleared. This is going to be transformational Lent for myself for you and for all those we come in contact with. Take care and until next time…PEACE!

cj is an author, poet, educator, spoken word artist, writer, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected].

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