
5:31 AM / Saturday February 8, 2025

20 Oct 2023

cj speaks…Words

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October 20, 2023 Category: Commentary Posted by:

The words we speak can hurt, help, find a resolution, or start a war. The words we use are derived from the thoughts that arise from the depths of our soul. What are you thinking about today? What are the positive thoughts that you have chosen to focus upon, that you believe can happen, that will manifest and grow within your life space? The words that you claim as your own, and those thoughts — are they positive? Are your actions positive?

Words are found in dictionaries and encyclopedias, cookbooks and sports magazines, and so many other sources and resources wide open for your exploration. In our schools, at home, while driving or walking through Philadelphia — or anywhere you find people — we often use destructive or discouraging words, and it’s no wonder that our children fall short of what we expect of them and what we believe they are able to accomplish.

As I drive to work each morning, I present myself with mantras that I spoon-feed to myself. I repeat them throughout my day, these words that help me to make it through the trials and tribulations. The traffic drives me berserk, but those words that I choose to speak helps me to overcome and get through. It is those words that I share with my daughter that at times she feels are hurtful, without really looking too closely at what those words really mean — “Finish what you start,” “Don’t give up,” “Expect good things happening to you in your life every day,” and “Adult choices produce adult consequences, both good and bad.” These are the words that I speak to my daughter along with so many others in my poetic expressions — they aren’t always well received, they aren’t always listened to, and they aren’t always followed, but I won’t stop sharing the words with her and with others, especially the children I have taught in school.

As you speak words upon others in prayer, speak words with authority, or speak words upon others when they are in lack, even though they are not always in belief, and even though those words are not always something that others want to follow, stay true to your belief in how you choose to speak and give to others, because everyone is valued.

We all need you to be upfront, close, and personal with others who are in need. The Bible, the Koran, and other holy books are full of words that we follow each day that we live our lives. Those of us who are Christians value the Word of God, the Word we receive from our pastors on Sundays, and the words we have been taught over the years.

Although the words of people of faith can seem harsh, to them they are the truth and words that we should live by. Don’t fall short in the words that you speak to others, or in believing the words that you tell yourself. Continue to prosper and grow in who God says that you are and in what you desire to be.
Allow yourself to grow within your own words. Pick yourself up today. Carry yourself around in a positive way so that others can see, and so that they can hear and listen to the words that you are speaking to them. How you live your life is how others see you. Until next time…PEACE!

cj is an author, poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected]

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