— a poem
A relationship is the giving of oneself.
Some ingredients are communicating, uplifting, loving, compromising, and sharing.
No matter whom you are in a relationship with,
mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, lover, friend, co-worker or your children,
A relationship is the giving of oneself.
In a relationship, we must understand that without communication,
how can two people face challenges, get to know each other, and achieve goals?
In a relationship, we must understand that without upliftment,
how can two people elevate conductively, be appreciative of each other and achieve goals?
In a relationship, we must understand that without love,
how can two people grow, survive tribulations, and achieve goals?
In a relationship, we must understand that without compromise,
how can two people learn from each other, obtain discipline, and achieve goals?
In a relationship, we must understand that without sharing,
how can two people establish a strong bond, receive from each other, and achieve goals?
A relationship is the giving of oneself.
Brothers, learn to empower your sisters so that they can become great mothers, lovers, and powerful women with uplifting spirits and confidence living in this world full of turmoil and challenge.
Sisters, learn to empower your brothers so that they can become great husbands, leaders, and men of surviving spirits and egos living in this world full of trials and tribulations.
Brothers and sisters, we must learn to give of ourselves so we can acquire the tools of wisdom, accomplishment, peace, and most of all what GOD has planned for our lives.
A relationship is the giving of oneself.
Love yourselves first so that you can love others.
Forgive yourselves first so that you can forgive others.
Enjoy yourselves first so that you can enjoy others.
Empower yourselves first so that you can empower others.
A relationship is the giving of oneself.
Until next time….PEACE!
cj is a poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected].
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