A day to really worship and show the LORD how much you love HIM

A day to really worship and show the LORD how much you love HIM
A day to accept the LORD’s supper to regenerate the faith and peace that you always carry in your soul
A day to thank that Mother, Father, Lord GOD for all your blessings this past week and for the week ahead

A day to pay tithes and let GOD know it was HE who provided
A day to thank our ancestors for all that they give
A day to give praises and thanks
A day for Sunday school education
A day to listen to gospel and inspirational music
A day to celebrate the start of a new week
A day to prepare for the next five days

A day to take a long stroll after dinner
A day to bake cookies, breads, and cakes
A day to walk three miles and get your workout schedule started
A day to get your coils re-twisted so the hair can lock
A day to cook a large meal for yourself and your family and friends
A day to watch all the children do what you would have done
A day to spend time with your mate and make love
A day to soak in the bathtub with candles and incense burning.

A day to tell someone that you love them
A day to know who you are and determine how you stand
A day to love yourself
A day to finish up any lingering homework that needs completion
A day to study for the upcoming test in Life 101
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