As we walk in the world today, we are still somewhat unknowing, but are receiving more confirmation on how we are to walk. Where are you in the process of getting your vaccination? Are you walking through the world today with no mask because the CDC has stated “fully vaccinated individuals outdoors do not need to wear a mask,” or are you still uncertain and apprehensive as this virus mutates into areas of the unknown?
Vaccinated or not, where do you stand? Where are you? What is your belief system? How are you going to plan for tomorrow, be it for yourself and your child or children? How do you feel about your child getting vaccinated? The doors have been opened for ages 12 up to the age 15; that door had already been opened for young people aged 16 on up..
Most schools are letting out within the next week or two; some schools have already dismissed for the school year. Where are you when it comes to your child for this summer and what they will be doing? Are you looking forward to a program where your child can get up and get out of the house and be amongst their peers finally, after about a year? Are you sending your children to some kind of summer school enhancement where they can pick up where they left off or continue to close the education gap from over the past school year?
We still have so much to look forward to in a positive sense, as GOD is still in control as HE is the beginner and HE is the finisher and where we stand concerning HIS doings in our lives today depends on us. Are you still walking around feeling the negative effects the racial disparities, or are you getting up and making a change for yourself and those around you?
I am still uncertain of so many things going on in my life. Although you may not walk in your shoes the same way as I walk in mine, we can’t be too much different. We can’t be feeling that much different from each other as we walk through this world that is still so filled with so much ugliness and uncertainty, individually and collectively. So again, I ask you, where are you? What are you believing? How are you going to make change for yourself and others? Wow! Summer will be here within a matter of weeks, and without each of us doing our part and playing our role, where we stand will remain difficult and uncertain. So as we wipe the scales from our eyes and we accept this world and what is going on around us with a true sense of its reality, where will you stand? Until next time….PEACE!
cj is a poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a like or comment at [email protected].
Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, The Philadelphia Sunday SUN, the author’s organization, committee or other group or individual.
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