
7:02 AM / Thursday February 13, 2025

17 Nov 2023

SUNrise: cj speaks…  Winning

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November 17, 2023 Category: Commentary Posted by:

By cj

Life takes on a new perspective when you win whatever that thing is that you have set out to accomplish — be it a new job, celebrating the graduation of your child, or whatever your goal is.   

Here in Philadelphia, a Black woman, the Honorable Cherelle Parker, was voted into office as our 100th mayor. However, alongside her historic victory,  was also a loss. Her opponent, Republican David Oh, might not have won that election, but like our incoming mayor, he ran a strong race and stood for what he believed in. 

With every win, there are going to be losses, and with every gain there is something that you are going to have to let go of. With every “yes” there are going to be many “no’s.”  Often, already in front of that “yes” is the word “no.”  

We can feel good about these victories, because we know we were able to reach and touch and obtain whatever it was, regardless of what is happening in the world and in our lives. There are also those times when we are told “no” and have to wait for what comes next — sometimes for a very long time — after believing something was for us. These waiting periods have taught me to hope. Despite these challenges, you should continue to live your life, do your best, and be what you are supposed to be as you wait.  Continue to remain patient, because one day, when you least expect it, when you didn’t even realize it was coming, there it is — woo hoo! — the victory, the win, your win, your victory, your accomplishment.  When God says, “Okay, it is your time, so let Me reach down and give you what belongs to you, let Me give to you what I already knew what was going to be yours, what I already had destined for your life, during your existence in the world called Earth.”

Continue to wait if that is what God says to do. Once God has rewarded you, keep moving forward and tell others what God is doing for you through your wins and victories.  Also, be sure to share how you had to wait in your disappointments, and how you had to wait when faced with a ‘no,’ and how you had to wait until God said “yes” and what it looked like to you,  because our journeys are individualized, and we all have our own experiences while waiting on the wins of God. It is likely that what looks good for you and what you are looking forward to will differ from what I am looking forward to. 

Remember to share what God is doing in your life, whether you are celebrating a win or facing a waiting period. Keep it light, have a great holiday season, and remember to be grateful this Thanksgiving. Until next time… PEACE! 

cj is an author, poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia.  If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at: [email protected]

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