Hi, I’m Patricia Marshall Harris, the host of the healthy lifestyle and plant-based cooking podcast, “Dishing with Patricia!”
A simple, yet profound, truth guiding my approach to food can be sourced to Imhotep, the Egyptian pyramid builder and “first physician,” and from Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, and “father of modern medicine,” who lived 2200 years after Imhotep’s death. There is evidence that Hippocrates and other Greek scholars had access to Imhotep’s scientific and medical writings. Consequently, they both espoused: “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”
These ancestors have been the historical root and spiritual force behind all that I do in the kitchen. You, too, can learn how the health benefits that food provides can maintain your health, heal you and restore your vitality.
“Dishing with Patricia” will continue to showcase featured guests to enlighten and inspire. From time to time, however, I’m going to go solo. On Wednesday, July 14, it’s just going to be us, because I am hosting my most special guests – you!
I’ll use the opportunity to “dish” directly with you; to go deeper into the value of a plant-based diet; and to show you ways you can begin, little by little, to create a healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones.
Come cook alongside me on July 14th … I could use some company in the kitchen! The recipes for that episode are listed on my website: Classie-Essential-Nutrition. com. Once on the site, you’ll also find a comment section – use it to leave me a note. I’d love to chat with you and get your feedback.
I invite you to join me on our continuing journey towards health and well-being.
#DishingwithPatricia” can be seen on https://www.classie-essential-nutrition.com/dishing-with-patricia-podcast
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