About 35 million Americans suffer from toe, finger, and athlete’s foot fungus, and with so many over-the-counter and prescription products, it’s hard for consumers to choose the right option. “Patients not only need to treat the infection but also break the cycle of re-infection,” as said by Mahmoud Ghannoum and Nancy Isham.* The hardest part is deciding what product to recommend to help diminish re-infection. Prescription drugs, OTC and alternative remedies, all have their benefits and drawbacks, but how do you know what is the most effective solution?
You know that your customers who suffer from toe, finger, and athlete’s foot fungus are desperate for a cure and that’s very difficult to achieve. Regardless of the mode of treatment, fungal reinfection rates are high. Ghannoum and Isham go on to say, “even in cases where the infecting fungus has been entirely eradicated by antifungal therapy, patients remain at risk for re-infection.”* The #1 OTC brand recommended by your colleagues for over 18 years is Fungi-Nail® Toe & Foot®. It treats the underlying fungal infection, helping to eliminate it, stop the spread of fungus and reduce the chance of reinfection, if used as directed.
Over 73 percent of sufferers have experienced toe or finger fungus 2- 4+ times over the past two years. In addition, the typical sufferer experiences mild to moderate infections that they don’t consider troubling. These sufferers also tend to treat at least once a day for 1-3 months and generally don’t continue treatment after the initial clear up of the infection. Based on a Gallup study, two out of three sufferers said they have had relapses and product satisfaction and effectiveness rates among OTC’s and Rx products are the same.**
Expensive topical prescription drugs only treat the nails, while other cosmetic treatments only treat the nail appearance. As you’re well aware, fungus lives around the nail and on the surrounding skin, so it is important to treat the infected skin in order to get to the root of the infection. According to Gallup, 44 percent of sufferers use products to improve the appearance and condition for toe and foot fungus.** To help reduce the chance of re-infection, sufferers should continue to treat the affected skin with topical anti-fungals like Fungi-Nail Toe & Foot®.
Although the best treatment is prevention, finding the right treatment option once you have contracted toe or foot fungus is critical. Outbreaks can last up to a year or more, with a year or less between them. What sufferers really need to win the fight against fungus is a treatment that kills on contact, stays where it’s applied, and treats the affected area. As the trusted brand for treating fungus by pharmacists, Fungi-Nail® Toe & Foot® can be used as part of a healthy foot care routine to help reduce reinfection. Compliance and persistency are an issue with anti-fungal sufferers. Only 19 percent report they use the product until new, healthy tissue has grown back – which can take up to a year.† Educating patients on the use of antifungal OTC’s is critical so they can mitigate the risk for re-infection.**
Fungi-Nail® Toe & Foot® treats the underlying fungal infection, helping to eliminate it and reduce the chance of reinfection. Fungi-Nail® also contains Clear Guard® technology that seals in medicine right where it’s needed and locks out moisture. It is formulated with a nourishing oil base, so it doesn’t dry out the already cracked, irritated skin further. Many competitive OTC anti-fungals contain alcohol which can dry out and irritate the skin. Instead the proprietary Fungi-Nail® formula helps to soothe and calm the skin. This is a key benefit for people suffering from toe or foot fungus, and those with diabetes or psoriasis, runners and other athletes.
Fungi-Nail® Toe & Foot® has three convenient options for consumers, including the original 1oz. solution, an easy to use pen, and an ointment with a brush applicator to treat larger areas on the foot and help get in between the toes where fungus thrives. Fungi-Nail® Toe and Foot® is a cost-effective way to help your customers fight fungus while helping cure their infection. It is also the ideal treatment option for consumers who may take medications as it does not have harmful side effects such as liver damage like many oral fungus prescription drugs, or cause irritation to the skin like topical fungal prescription products.
You spend your days listening to your customers, so you know that each fungus sufferer is different. What works for one person may not work for another. Talk to your fellow pharmacists and find out why they’ve been recommending Fungi-Nail® Toe & Foot®, the fungus experts® for nearly two decades.
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