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26 Feb 2016

Ten expert health tips that simplify holistic living

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February 26, 2016 Category: Health Posted by:


Diet fads, new workout regimens, exotic health supplements – every day, people are inundated with headlines about health trends. Out of the clutter and confusion a new, arguably more sensible, health movement is gaining traction: holistic living.

Taking a holistic health approach means looking at your overall wellness from a big picture perspective. That means you take thoughtful steps to better your mental and physical health while doing things that bring you joy.

Wellness expert and culinary nutritionist Katie Cavuto embraces holistic living and believes the best path to health is to look at each person’s journey through a broad lens. In honor of Almond Day 2016, she offers her 10 best tips to help anyone get started living healthier by prioritizing mind, body and earth benefits.

1. Savor each bite.

Take time to delight in the eating experience. Doing so helps you feel more satisfied with smaller portions of your favorite foods. Slow down to notice flavors, textures and changes as you chew each morsel.

2. Embrace mindful snacking.

Focusing the mind is nearly impossible when hunger strikes. Almonds are the perfect portable snack to stave off hunger. Forget bland snacking by trying a new flavor of almonds to energize your taste buds.

3. Shift your intentions around food.

Instead of focusing on dieting and will power, focus your energy on creating a nourishing, nutrient-dense plate of whole foods, and find bliss in your intention to care for yourself.

4. Try new nutrient-dense ingredients.

From almond butter to almond milk, almond flour to whole almonds, there are many ways to incorporate almonds into your daily snacks and meals to ensure you’re consuming adequate amounts of key nutrients. Get easy ideas for wholesome meals and snacks at

5. Snack for heart health.

Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of almonds (28g) has 13g of unsaturated fat and only 1g of saturated fat.

6. Eat with gratitude.

Gratitude practices can bring happiness. The same can be said for creating joyful eating experiences. Shared meals with loved ones can be uplifting and provide a positive boost to any day.

7. Create convenience foods.

Resist unhealthy vending machine temptations by preparing wholesome convenience foods. For example, just one serving of almonds contains 6 grams of protein. Keep servings in your car, gym bag, purse or office so you have a crave-worthy, crunchy snack on hand at all times.

8. Grow something.

Growing your own food is healthy and rewarding. Indoor container gardens are easy to maintain all year. Plus, the presence of plants in the home can improve air quality while reducing stress and anxiety.

9. Preplan breakfast.

Ensure you have time for this essential meal by preparing breakfast foods ahead of time. Make smoothie packets and store them in the freezer, or blend up a smoothie the night before. Add a scoop of almond butter to create a more satisfying meal.

10. Embrace Meatless Monday

Become part of the “Meatless Monday” movement and incorporate plant-based proteins, like almonds into your meals. Plant-based proteins often contain good, unsaturated fats that offer many health benefits.

Try this recipe to kick off your holistic living efforts with a burst of refreshing flavors:

health_02-28-16aSM01Cucumber Salad with Lemon Almond Dressing

Serves 4-6


2 tablespoon almond butter

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1/4 cup olive oil

Red pepper flakes (optional)

1-2 tablespoons of water

Salt and pepper


In a blender, combine all of the ingre

dients for the dressing.

In a bowl, toss the cucumber with

¼ cup of the dressing. Garnish with


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