Earth Week 2020 (#EarthWeekPHL): The City of Philadelphia kicks off its virtual Earth Week today. Virtual programming includes Philadelphia Parks & Recreation’s Parks & Rec @ Home series and the release of the Office of Sustainability’s Greenworks Review, which celebrates successes of the past year—with a special focus on engaging youth—and provides resources to help support further action. This online activation builds upon Parks & Recreation’s environmental education programs and the Office of Sustainability’s community engagement work, which introduce young people to the wonders of nature, the importance of caring for the planet, and the power of their environmental advocacy. For a full list of Earth Week events, activities and webinars, visit phila.gov/green.
Celebrate Library Week (April 19-25) Virtually: While library buildings remain closed, the Free Library of Philadelphia continues to provide access to many materials and databases, thanks to its already robust collection of electronic resources. Customers can check out ebooks and stream movies and music at freelibrary.org/digitalmedia. Visit freelibrary.org/elearning to find study materials, learn a language, or take an online class. If customers need assistance, tips, or recommendations, librarians are still ready to serve, and can be reached through email at freelibrary.org/ask and can also be reached via text message. Send a text to 66746 and start the body of the text with keyword askfree then a space, followed by a question.
The Free Library of Philadelphia has always welcomed its customers into its buildings to share information, build community, and learn together. Now, many customers are instead welcoming the Library into their homes through virtual programs. There are a number of virtual story times, lectures, author events, and other programs taking place on our website. See the full selection at freelibrary.org/virtualprograms.
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