ABOVE PHOTO: Democratic candidate William F. Dunbar with DA Seth Williams.
With three weeks to go until Election Day, democratic candidate William F. Dunbar’s campaign is not facing a shortage of things to worry about. Utilizing every second until Election Day, Dunbar is constantly making his list and checking it twice, however, he now has a new addition to his “to do” list, one that many thought was already checked off; voter registrations.
Amidst the October 9th voter registration deadline and in the wake of the controversial Voter ID law, many worked around the clock to ensure that people were not going to be disenfranchised come this electioti season. Among some of that work was making sure that new voters were registered.
This culminated in a massive amount of registrations being submitted, and has now resulted in a backlog of over 20,000 not yet processed voter registrations, and leaves a number of people wondering whether they will be processed in time for the election. Dunbar is one of them.
“My staff and I spent a great deal of time trying to get people registered, not just because of this election, but because I believe that voting is one of the most paramount rights that one can involve themselves in,” says Dunbar, who worked hard to make sure that those within his district would be able to vote on Election Day.”
“It is extremely disheartening to know that someone who has properly registered and. had done so before the deadline, may not get the opportunity to exercise that right, and even more so, may not know this until they get turned away from the polls on election day.”
Dunbar is urging that those who believe that they have properly registered to check and check again with the Philadelphia County Commissions Office, to ensure that they are in fact, registered. “Voting is how we affect change”, says Dunbar, “and come November 6th, everyone that wants that chance, should have it.”
Dunbar is the Democratic candidate running in the 177th Legislative District in the city’s lower Northeast neighborhoods.
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