On Saturday and Sunday, June 1-2, 2013 CEC-Community Education Center, Images of the Motherland-Interactive Theatre and ICPIC-New Africa Center & Museum presents a special FREE ADMISSION public program of educational heritage enrichment.
This public program is entitled: “Emancipation Proclamation Jubilees Celebration Weekend” and activities are from 12 noon-10pm on Saturday June 1, and 12 noon -6pm on Sunday June 2.
The Program is in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation.
“Emancipation Proclamation Jubilees Celebration Weekend” features two days of interactive programs.
Saturday’s activities will be hosted at CEC-Meeting House Theatre 3500 Lancaster Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19104 near Drexel University Campus. Saturday features a dramatic reading of “Emancipation Proclamation” with a “guest appearance” by President Abraham Lincoln, followed by “live professional dramatic reenactments” of historical personages who were most directly affected, like Sojourner Truth, Maj. Martin Delaney, Frederick Douglass, Omar ibn Sayyid, and the 3rd USCT (U.S. Colored Union Troops). Additional features include a lecture by American Alliance of Museums award winning Historian/Researcher, Phillip Sietz, whose presentation will address the subject of “Slavery in Philadelphia?”. Also included will be the unique museum quality “Timbuktu African Artifacts Exhibit & Workshop”. FREE copies of the “Prince Among Slaves” DVD’s will be distributed, courtesy of UPF-TV, as well as FREE copies of “Civil War 150 Educators Guide” to teachers and educators, courtesy of “History A & E”.
These dramatic programs on Sojourner Truth, Maj. Martin Delany, Frederick Douglas, Omar Ibn Sayyid, and the 3rd USCT (U.S. Colored Union Troops) will explore and examine the social, political, religious and economic circumstances that created the need for President Abraham Lincoln to design and enforce the Emancipation Proclamation during the19th century and the impact this event and the abolitionist movements had on reshaping our nation and it’s institutions race relations policies and practices.
The primary USCT Training Camp for African-American Union soldiers was located in Ft. William Penn-La Mott (Cheltenham), just outside of Philadelphia, PA.
Sunday’s activities will be hosted at the venue New Africa Center & Museum 4243 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Sunday programs will include a series of interactive panel discussions with humanity scholars followed by question and answer period. Humanities themes will be an integral part of all the performances, workshops and the follow-up discussion drawing from geography, history, sociology, economics, politics and religion. A central theme throughout the project will be the Constitution of the United States, the Emancipation Proclamation and rich cultural heritage and resiliency of African Americans. The project will explore how the humanities provide a context for learning and transmitting history, arts and culture.
The presentation of diverse viewpoints will be achieved by pairing a humanities scholar with a community leader to co-facilitate each workshop. This will provide another dimension to their perspective.
Humanities scholars include the following:
Dr. Khalid Blankenship, Director of Graduate Studies Temple University, Religion Department is considered one of the leading Islamic Scholars here in America. He has lectured in the Middle East and Africa and is the author of many books and articles on Islam.
Phillip Seitz-Author, Historian, 2011 Brookings Creativity Prize Winner- American Association of Museums
Imam Eric Turner-Masjid Freehaven (NJ)
Amir Muhammad-Author, Director-American Islamic Heritage Museum (DC)
This is a tremendously beneficial FREE ADMISSION public program for the general public, including underserved audiences, at-risk youths, families and adults. All are welcome to share and partake of this unique experience.
This FREE ADMISSION public event is made possible by a grant from PA Humanities Council, PA Legislative Black Caucus, and State Representative Vanessa Lowery-Brown. For General Information call (215) 848-3651.
Email: [email protected]
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