iPraxis, a Philadelphia non-profit, is dedicated to bettering the lives of inner-city children by bringing more STEM (Science. Technology. Engineering. Math) education to Philadelphia’s schools.
The organization teaches students of all backgrounds how to investigate, problem solve and create by putting ideas into action.
The “i” stands for innovation, imagination, and inspiration, and the word “Praxis” means the act of putting theory into practice or the application of knowledge and skills.
The non-profit’s mission is to change the complexion of the STEM fields by making these important academic disciplines more inclusive of all segments of society.
To help with their campaigns and ensure that more inner-city children receive the school supplies and extracurricular activities they need to succeed, please click http://www.ipraxis.org/corporate-support/to donate.
Note: Whether it is $5 or $500, donations will directly influence all children’s education and increase students’ chances of earning a salary that can support both them and their families in the future.
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