Democratic US Senate hopeful Joe Sestak announced the opening of his fifth campaign office in the City of Philadelphia to ensure the campaign is geared up for a big day on Nov. 2. The new office in North Philadelphia is located at 2221 N. Broad St.
Campaign staffers and volunteers in the city have been reaching out to voters across Philadelphia area every day — hitting the streets, phone-banking and getting out to events to help spread Admiral Sestak’s message of job creation and economic prosperity for working families.
“I want to create jobs, improve education and health care, and create growth in Philadelphia, which has been harmed like the rest of Pennsylvania by policies that put special interests first,” said Joe. “These offices will help us reach out to residents across the city to let them know that there is someone who stands on their side and not Wall Street’s. We can work together ensure opportunities for everyone to reach their full potential, but it won’t happen with insiders from Wall Street and Washington representing us.”
As Vice Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, Joe understands the importance of small businesses and the impact they have on the Philadelphia community.
In early September, Joe embarked on his “Jobs and Opportunities Tour,” which included visits along the 52nd Street Business Corridor. He also held a forum on the recent report that only 28 percent of African-American males in Philadelphia graduate high school, and toured the Greater Philadelphia Healthcare Action’s Woodland Avenue Health Center.
The following offices are open Monday through Saturday from 9 AM to 9 PM and on Sunday from noon to 9 PM:
Center City Philadelphia
Office: 2013 Sansom St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 352-6213
E-mail: [email protected]
North Philadelphia
Office: 2221 N. Broad St.,
First Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Phone: (215) 839-0585
E-mail: [email protected]
Northeast Philadelphia
Office: 6601 Rutland St.
Philadelphia, PA 19149
Phone: (215) 839-0587
E-mail: [email protected]
South Philadelphia
Office: 1141 Pierce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Phone: (215) 839-0631
E-mail: [email protected]
West Philadelphia
Office: 4618 Baltimore Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone: (215) 839-0586
E-mail: [email protected]
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