
5:40 AM / Sunday February 9, 2025

23 Mar 2024

Kelvin A. Jeremiah commends outgoing HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge for her commitment to affordable and fair housing in Philadelphia

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March 23, 2024 Category: Local Posted by:

ABOVE PHOTO: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge (second from right) and White House Domestic Adviser Susan Rice (third from right) came to Philly on October 26, 2022 to tour several PHA sites and to meet residents impacted by the community transformations. Asia Coney, a resident leader, community activist and PHA Commissioner is second from left.

Philadelphia Housing Authority president & CEO Kelvin A. Jeremiah recently expressed his deep gratitude for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge’s deep compassion, and wide-ranging contributions to Philadelphia.

Fudge, the 18th HUD Secretary, announced her retirement earlier this month.

Fudge made a number of trips to Philadelphia during her tenure, including a visit in 2021 to attend the completion ceremony for the North Central Choice Neighborhood Initiative and a tour of PHA’s Workforce Development Center at Vaux Community Building in Sharswood.

“Secretary Fudge understands that high-quality, affordable and secure housing impacts mental and physical health, and provides access to well-paying jobs and vital community networks that attract essential resources and opportunities,” Jeremiah said. “As she transitions to a new chapter in her life, we want to take a moment to acknowledge her and thank her for believing in, and investing in, Philadelphia.”

In her visit to Philadelphia in November 2021, Fudge toured North Central Five, one of the transformative developments built as part as PHA’s and the City of Philadelphia’s $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant from HUD.

“People who are now going to be living in these fine, fine homes grew up behind the starting line of life, never believing, never thinking that we would catch up, never believing that our children would have a real shot at having an opportunity to succeed, never believing that any of this would ever be ours,” Secretary Fudge told residents and dignitaries during that visit. “So, I thank all of those who made it happen because I know what it means. . . I know what it means to go to a place where people love you just for you, where nobody judges you. They just accept who you are. That is what these kinds of homes do for people every day.”

Jeremiah noted that PHA received its third Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant under Fudge — a $50 million grant that will help PHA transform the Bartram Village/Kingsessing neighborhoods, in consultation with residents and community leaders.

“Secretary Fudge, on behalf of our PHA Board of Commissioners, our residents, and our staff, we wish you all the best in your retirement,” Jeremiah said. “You and your exceptional team at HUD have provided our city with the funds to reimagine affordable housing and reinvigorate historically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Your longstanding commitment to equal opportunity, fair-housing and homeownership has changed many lives and revitalized many neighborhoods. God speed.”

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