Mayor Michael A. Nutter launched Connect2College, a new, multi-mode college resource service offered by PhillyGoes2College. Connect2College services, including college application and scholarship assistance and college essay writing help, are available in 17 Connect2College labs across the city, via the Connect2College interactive text message service and the Connect2College Online College Access Wizard.
“To be truly competitive in the 21st century global economy, a person needs to be highly-skilled and well-educated. For most people, that means pursuing a post-secondary learning opportunity. But, due in part to the loss of several critical college access information resources, there is a gap in the college application, scholarship and essay writing information available to Philadelphians,” said Mayor Nutter. “To help address this resource gap, PhillyGoes2College, an initiative of the Mayor’s Office of Education, has launched the Connect2College service. Connect2College allows Philadelphians to access college information where they are — whether it’s at Connect2College labs, online, or by text message on their mobile phone, Connect2College makes college accessible anytime, anywhere.”
Connect2College labs are located in KeySPOTs locations, Free Library branches, hotspots and community-based organizations, which are partnering with PhillyGoes2College on this initiative. [See attachment for full list of partners and Connect2College Lab locations.]
The Connect2College Interactive Text Message Service, which is powered by Textizen, provides targeted, needs-based college access information via SMS service. Philadelphians can utilize the service by texting “YES” to 215-458-8592.
Residents can also access college information through the Connect2College Access Wizard, an online resource connection center.
“PhillyGoes2College is committed to getting the necessary college going information into the hands of as many Philadelphians as possible,” said Leana Cabral, Director, PhillyGoes2College. “We believe these three coordinated interventions — of labs, an online tool and a texting app offer unprecedented and holistic services, which will encourage more Philadelphia residents to attend and complete college.”
Additional information about the Connect2College Service and PhillyGoes2College initiative is available online at http://PhillyGoes2College.org.
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