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2 Nov 2013

Obituary: Crystal Warner Brown, SUN Wedding Extravaganza winner

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November 2, 2013 Category: Local Posted by:

Funeral services for Crystal Warner-Brown were held on Friday, October 4, 2013; at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, 230 West Coulter Street. Interment
followed at Ivy Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Brown died on September 25, 2013. She was 43.

Crystal Warner-Brown was born on January 21, 1970, to the proud parents of Gilbert and Minnie Walker -Warner, who proceeded her in death.

Crystal was affectionately called by her father, “Skee Wee” and “Double Agent” and by other family members, “Crystal ball.” The baby and last addition to
the Walker-Warner household had a wonderful childhood. Having an older brother, Bernie, and two older sisters, Alfreda and Tanya, worked to her advantage.
Her brother protected and spoiled her, while her older sisters pampered her.

She learned the art of shopping, traveling and having a good time from her mother. Her dad opened her world through books while working at the library.
Crystal enjoyed being exposed to the good things life had to offer. She got saved at an early age at her grandmother, Mova’s church; and later as an adult,
joined and was baptized at Enon Baptist Church where she was currently a faithful member.

Crystal graduated from Cardinal Dougherty High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She then attended and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh of
Johnstown with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics.

Crystal took great pride in her work and accomplishments. She was very diligent in her ethics and work profession. She was a leader, team player, and knew
how to take stressful situations and make them seem light weight. At work she was known as “Ms. Goody Goody” because she saw the good in everybody. She
knew how to mix and make everyone feel special. She was a great source for information; if you didn’t know how to find it or do it, just call Crystal and
she would help you find the answer. Crystal had the most giving heart, beautiful smile and expressive big eyes that often gave her way. She was very loyal
and close to her family and friends but also knew how to keep a secret. Like when she met Donald Brown, a coworker in the cafeteria at work.

She dated him for several months and fell head over heels and could no longer hide her excitement for her new found love. Crystal was having the best time
of her life, in love, fun to be around, and the life of the party. She could make anyone laugh. She had so many special groups of friends, her BFF’s were
Tiffany, Stacey, Sarge, and Andie. Close friends Monica, Denia, Mushy, and Felicia, the Suzie Q’s Crew, and her work group of friends, Michelle, April,
Nikita, Danni, Keshia and Michelle.

The Suzie Q Crew loved when she came to the beauty salon, because no one could tell a story like Crystal could. She knew what was happening in the social
media and could make the dullest story sound like the talk of the town. One of her favorite past times was having three way calls with her sisters Alfreda
and Tanya and her aunt Brenda. She kept them up on the families latest and swore she was not gossiping. Crystal had a great affection and special love in
her heart for her nieces and nephews. She always made sure they had the latest fashions, school supplies and was known as “the best gift giver.” She would
do anything for them.

She led by example. She got involved and gave of her time and talents to different causes like, the library ministry, Cancer survivor ministry, and
supporting her cousin friend, Jenelle, at the Ronald McDonald House. She also followed in her mother’s footsteps in serving her community. She served as an
elected member of the Democratic Executive committee in the 50th Ward. She assisted with the services, polls, and coordinated events. She was well loved
and respected throughout her community.

Crystal enjoyed rallying everyone around a cause that was important to her. For example, getting everyone a subscription to the Philadelphia Sun newspaper
that, was olfering a free wedding to the person that got the most subscriptions. Would you know it; Crystal won. She was so excited planning her dream
wedding to the love of her life, Donald Brown. Don, as she called him came with extra benefits, knowing how to throw down in the kitchen and clean house.

On February 13, 2005, Donald and Crystal had their dream wedding paid in full. Then, the next biggest excitement came when they found out she was having a
boy, Christian Dion Brown. Christian was the apple of Crystal’s eye. She love exposing him to new adventures and learning experiences. She looked forward
to planning trips and fun activities every year. She enjoyed them as much as Christian. Don and Crystal enjoyed family getaways. She also got so much joy
out of her extended family of daughters, Cheryl, Ciara and Sheree. They grew to love her and affectionately called her “mom.”

Crystal impacted so many lives without trying. Because of her faith in God, family and overwhelming support and love from her friends, she never let the
sickness she encountered defeat her. In fact, she became the encouragement to everyone through texting during her lengthy treatments. She did not complain.
She fought a good fight and appreciated everyday she got to spend with her family and friends. Even if it was just talking on the phone.

Crystal was so thankful that Don was in her life during this difficult time. She and her family appreciated his loyal, unwavering commitment to her care.
He made sure she was comfortable, well fed, and had everything she needed. She was also thankful of the care given after her lengthy stay in the hospital
from her mother-in law, Lemoria Brown, and cousin-friend, Jenelle, whom she would call and rely on to take her to her doctor’s visits.

Crystal’s nephew, Tyriq, preceded her in death. Crystal Warner-Brown is survived by her husband, Donald; son, Christian; daughters, Cheryl, Ciara and
Sheree; mother-n-law, Lemoria; brother, Bernie; sisters, Alfreda and Tanya (Jim); sister-in-law, Angela; brothers-in-law, Peter (Sharon), Collington
(Janet) and Chico; aunts, Frances, Alia (Abdullah), Brenda and Louise; nephew, Amir; nieces, Mia, (Keenan Sr.), Tireah and Melissa; great- nephews, Tyriq
Jr., Keenan Jr., and Zylei; great-nieces, KeNia and Alevja; special lifelong sister friends, Tiffany and Andie; and a host of cousins, other relatives and

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