In 2011, City Council and Mayor Nutter joined forces to create the Philadelphia Energy Authority. On May 23, 2012 at 4 p.m. in City Council Chambers, the Authority will hold a public input hearing on the best ways to fulfill its mission of reducing energy consumption and expense by the City of Philadelphia, facilitating the development of renewable energy projects in the City, and promoting energy awareness in our community.
“The Philadelphia Energy Authority has an important role to play in advancing our Greenworks Philadelphia goals of reducing City Government’s energy consumption by 30 percent and raising the entire city’s consumption of renewable energy by 20 percent,” Mayor Nutter said.
“I am pleased to welcome the Philadelphia Energy Authority to City Council Chambers for a public hearing on how we can reduce the costs of operating our government through energy conservation and educate the public on energy conservation and energy options,” Council President Clarke said.
“The Philadelphia Energy Authority looks forward to hearing from Philadelphia businesses and residents about how the Authority can meet it PEA Chairman Lewis said.
Public testimony will be limited to 3-5 minutes per person in order to ensure all voices are heard. Persons interested in testifying may sign up on site; time will be distributed on a first come first served basis.
If you are interested in testifying, please indicate your interest by contacting Joseph Mondesire (josephmondesire@gmail. com, 215-285-1280), by the close of business May 18, 2012; submit your name, affiliation and contact information.
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