ABOVE PHOTO: Philadelphia City Hall ( Andy-Borysowski/shutterstock)
According to pacourts.us, all but magisterial district judges must be members of the Bar of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judges are also subject to strict standards of conduct.
Judicial elections occur in odd-numbered years. Justices and judges may serve an unlimited number of terms until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 75 and are retained or re-elected by the voters. Vacancies that exist before an election may be filed by gubernatorial appointment until an election is held. These selections are subject to Senate confirmation.
Appellate court jurists and Courts of Common Pleas Judges are elected to a 10- year term. Magisterial district judges and Philadelphia Municipal Courts Judges are elected to a six-year term.
The primary election on May 16, 2017 will determine which of the following candidates continue on to compete in the November 6th, 2017 general election. They are vying for nine seats on the Philadelphia County’s Court of Common Pleas, two seats on the Philadelphia Municipal Court.
All Pennsylvanians who are registered as either Democrats or Republicans will be eligible to vote for their party’s general election candidates for two seats on Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court; four seats on Pennsylvania’s Superior Court, and one seat on Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.

Wendi Barish
Wendi Barish (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 422-4051
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wendibarishforjudge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 18
Button# 29
Philadelphia AFL-CIO Council; African-Caribbean Afro-Latino Descent PAC; Building and Construction Trades Council of Philadelphia; International Brotherhood of Boilermakers; International Union of Painters and Allied Trades; Ironworkers Local Union 401; Millennials in Action; Philadelphia National Organization for Women; 5th Ward;9th Ward; Steamfitters L.U. 420;
Philadelphia Bar Association

Terri Michelle Booker
Terri Michelle Booker (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 709-4592
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://terribooker4judge.wixsite.com/terribookerfor judge
Ballot Position: 40

Lawrence Bozzelli
Lawrence Bozzelli (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 251-7822
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bozzforjudge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 7
Button# 19
Philadelphia Bar Association

Marissa Brumbach
Marissa Brumbach (D)
Municipal Court
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position: 2
Button# 45
Boilermakers Local 13; Democratic City Committee; Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5; Guardian Civic League; International Association of Fire Fighters Local 22; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; National Organization for Women Philadelphia (NOW); Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council; Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Gay News; Plumbers Union Local 690; Teamsters Joint Council 53; Teamsters Local 115; Teamsters Local 830; 5th Ward, 8th Ward, 9th Ward,27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Deborah Canty
Deborah Canty (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (484) 440-9456
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cantyforjudge2017.com
Ballot Position: 15
Button# 27
AFSCME District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund; African; Caribbean Afro-Caribbean Latino Descent PAC; District Council #33; District Council #47 AFSME; AFSME District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund; International Union of Operating Engineers #542; 9th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Deborah Cianfrani
Deborah Cianfrani (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (215) 922-1241
Website: www.deborahcianfrani.com
Ballot Position: 3
Button# 15
Democratic City Committee; 8th Ward

Lucretia Clemons
Lucretia Clemons (D-incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lucretia4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 42
Button# 40
AFSCME District 1199C; Americans for Democratic Action, Southeastern Pennsylvania; Boilermakers Union Local 13; Democratic City Committee; Guardian Civic League; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98; Laborer’s District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity; International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 53; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; Millennials in Action PAC; National Organization of Women, Philadelphia Chapter ; Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell; Philadelphia Firefighters and Paramedics Union Local 22; Philadelphia Gay News; Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council; Plumbers Union Local 690; Philly for Change; 5th Ward; 8th Ward; 9th Ward;27th Ward;30th Ward.
Philadelphia Bar Association; Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO

Mark Cohen
Mark Cohen (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (215) 375-4307
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position(CP): 11
Button# 23
Philadelphia AFL-CIO African-Caribbean Afro-Latino Descent PAC; AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District 1199C; Gateway 2135 PAC; Guardian Civic League; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; Philadelphia Gay News; Reclaim Philadelphia; Sheriff Jewell Williams; Teamsters Joint Council 53; Teamsters Local 830

David Conroy
David Conroy (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 644-7170
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.facebook.com/DavidConroyforJudge
Ballot Position(CP): 31
Button# 36
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District 1199C; Democratic City Committee; Firefighters Local 22; Fraternal Order of Police(FOP); IBEW Local 98; Operating Engineers Local 542; Painters District Council 21; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Building Trades; Steamfitters Local 420; 5th Ward;8th Ward; 27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Leonard Deutchman
Leonard Deutchman (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Email:[email protected]
Website: www.facebook.com/DeutchmanForJudge
Ballot Position(CP): 19
Button# 30
Americans for Democratic Action – Southeastern Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Bar Association

Vincent Furlong
Vincent Furlong (R – Incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 571-5328
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.electvincefurlong.com
Ballot Position(CP): 8
Button# 20
Americans for Democratic Action – Southeastern Pennsylvania; Firefighters Union; Fraternal Order of Police; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Building Trades
Philadelphia Bar Association
Note: Candidate is running in both the Democratic and Republican primaries

Leon Goodman
Leon Goodman (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 854-4004
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position(CP): 14
Button# 26
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District 1199C; Guardian Civic League; Laborers District Council; Laborers 332; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Gay News; 5th Ward; 8th Ward; 9th Ward;27th Ward; 30th Ward
PA Governor Ed Rendell; PA State Rep. Donna Bullock (D- Dist. 195); Philadelphia Bar Association

Shanese Johnson
Shanese Johnson (D)
Municipal Court; Common Pleas Court
Telephone: (215) 874-7270
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.shanese4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 10
Ballot Position(MC):4
Button# 22
Democratic City Committee; Guardian Civic League; Philadelphia Gay News

John Macoretta
John Macoretta (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 680-1049
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://electmacoretta.com/
Ballot Position(CP): 4
Button# 16
Former PA Gov. Ed Rendell; 5th Ward; 27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Rania Major
Rania Major (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 203-0733/ (215) 837-3250
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.major4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 5
Button# 17
African-Caribbean Afro-Latino Descent PAC; AFSCME District Council 47; Guardian Civic League; Millennials in Action; Pathways to Re-Entry

Jon Marshall
Jon Marshall
Municipal Court; Common Pleas Court
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position(CP): 25
Ballot Position(MC):8
Button# 35
Philadelphia Bar Association

Vincent Melchiorre
Vincent Melchiorre (D – incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 407-7320
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.judgemelchiorre.com
Ballot Position: 23
Button# 33
Former PA Gov. Ed Rendell; Philadelphia Black Clergy; Philadelphia Democratic City Committee; Philadelphia Federal Credit Union; Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police (FOP); SEPTA Local 234
Philadelphia Fire Fighters’ & Paramedics Union

Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position: 9
Button #21
Fraternal Order of Police(FOP); Teamsters
Philadelphia Bar Association

Mark J. Moore
Mark J. Moore (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 240-4447
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position: 37
Button #37
African-Caribbean Afro-Latino Descent PAC; Guardian Civic League
Philadelphia Bar Association

Danyl Patterson
Danyl Patterson (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: dsp@danylforjudge
Website: www.danylforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 39
Button# 38
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSMCE District Council 1199c; Democratic City Committee; Guardian Civic League; Laborers Council 332; Liberty City Democrats; Millennials in Action; Philadelphia Carpenters Union;

Crystal Powell
Crystal Powell
Municipal Court; Common Pleas Court
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://crystalpowell2017.com/
Ballot Position(CP): 45
Ballot Position(MC):25
Button# 42
Democratic City Committee; Guardian Civic League
William Rice (D)
Municipal Court; Common Pleas Court
Telephone: (215) 779-4221
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position(CP): 46
Ballot Position(MC):24
Button# 43v

Zac Shaffer
Zac Shaffer (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 849-2173
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.phillyjudge.com
Ballot Position: 20
Button# 31
AFSCME DC 47, AFSCME DC33, AFSCME District 1199c; American Federation of Labor Organizations; Democratic City Committee; Gas Workers Union Local 686; Guardian Civic League, International Association of Firefighters Local 22, Liberty City LGBT Democrats; Millennials in Action, National Organization of Women (NOW); Philadelphia AFL-CIO, Philadelphia Building Trades, Philadelphia Gay News; Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 ; Sheriff Jewell Williams; Steamfitters Local 420, 5th Ward, 8th Ward, 9th Ward, 27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Jennifer Schultz
Jennifer Schultz
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 449-5656
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jenn4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 21
Button# 32
AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District Council 1199c; North West Action Committee
Philadelphia Bar Association

Henry McGregor Sias
Henry McGregor Sias (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position(CP): 6
Button# 18
8th Ward; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; 9th Ward; Reclaim Philadelphia; 27th Ward Democratic Committee; African-Caribbean Afro-Latino Descent PAC
Philadelphia Bar Association
Note: Sias is the first transgender judicial candidate in Pennsylvania

Daniel R. Sulman
Daniel R. Sulman (D – incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 872-1810
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://electjudgesulman.com/
Ballot Position: 12
AFSCME DistrictCouncil 47; Ameicans for Democratic Action; Boilermakers Local 13; International Association of Firefighteres Local 22; International Union of Operating Engineers Local 542; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Millennials in Action; Philadelphia Building and Constriuction Trades Council; Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Democratic Party; Philadelphia Gay News; Philadelphia Chapter National Organization for Women(NOW}; Plumbers Union Local 690; Teamsters Joint Council 53; Teamsters Local 115; Teamsters Local 830; Transport Workers Union Local 234; 27th Ward; 30th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Sherman Toppin
Sherman Toppin (D)
Municipal Court
Telephone: (215) 564-3600
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.toppinforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 9
Button# 49
African-Caribbean Afro-Latino PAC; AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; 1199c; Guardian Civic League; Guardian Civic League; Laborers’ District Council; Millennials In Action PAC; TWU – Transit Workers’ Union (SEPTA)

Stella Tsai
Stella Tsai (D – incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 571-5164
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.electstellatsaijudge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 1
AFL-CIO; AFSCME District Council 47; African-Caribbean & Afro-Latino American Descent PAC; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club: 27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

George Twardy
George Twardy (D)
Municipal Court
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.twardyforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 5
Button: 46
AFSCME District Council #33; 1199c; Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #5
Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; NUHHCE; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council; Philadelphia Democratic City Committee; Philadelphia Gay News; Sheriff Jewell Williams; Teamsters Joint Council 53; 5th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Matt Wolf
Matt Wolf (D)
Municipal Court
Telephone (267) 282-1092
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mattwolfforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 1
Democratic City Committee, Millennials in Action; 8th Ward, 9th Ward; 27th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association
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