ABOVE PHOTO: Boys Latin Charter School
Center for Education Reform
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Center for Education Reform condemns the decision of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission (SRC) to approve just five new charter schools out of 39 total applications at today’s meeting.
“It’s completely inexcusable that politics get in the way of doing what’s best for students and their success,” said Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform.
“Particularly in Philadelphia, where district-wide proficiency rates for reading and math are 42 and 45 percent respectively, and nearly 30,000 children are already on charter school wait lists, hoping for a better opportunity than their assigned school provides them,” Kerwin continued.
“These numbers alone should point to an urgency for alternatives. But sadly, too many adults involved in the education of our children are too hung up on politics and maintaining the status quo, when the focus absolutely needs to be on enabling student success,” Kerwin said.
“How else do you explain the denial of schools like Girls’ Latin Charter School, an all-girls counterpart to one of the most successful schools in Philadelphia, Boys’ Latin, which has produced 99 percent college acceptance rates among graduating seniors in the last two years,” Kerwin noted.
“It’s a shame that more Philadelphia parents will be forced to wait for a better opportunity for their child,” Kerwin said.
Below is a list of charter schools approved and denied, along with vote counts:
Independence Charter School West —
1 Vote No, 3 Votes Yes, 1 Abstention
KIPP Dubois Charter School —
1 Vote No, 3 Votes Yes, 1 Abstention
MaST Community Charter School
Roosevelt — 1 Vote No, 4 Votes Yes
Mastery Charter School Gillespie —
1 Vote No, 3 Votes Yes, 1 Abstention
TECH Freire Charter School — 2 Votes
No, 3 Votes Yes
ACES Business Entrepreneur Academy
— 5 No Votes, 0 Yes Votes
American Paradigm Oxford Charter
School — 5 No, 0 Yes
American Paradigm Port Richmond — 4
No Votes, 1 Yes Vote
ASPIRA Ramon E. Betances Charter
School — 5 No Votes, 0 Yes Votes
Belmont Charter School High School — 3
No Votes, 2 Yes Votes
Congreso Academy Charter High
School — 3 Votes No, 2 Votes Yes
Esperanza Elementary Charter School –
– 4 Votes No, 1 Vote Yes
Franklin Towne Charter Middle School —
5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Friendship Public Charter School — 5
Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Germantown Community Charter
School — 4 Votes No, 1 Vote Yes
Girls’ Latin Charter School — 4 Votes No,
1 Abstention
Global Leadership Academy Internation
al — 3 Votes No, 2 Abstentions
Green Woods Overbrook Farms — 4
Votes No, 1 Vote Yes
Independence Charter High School — 4
Votes No, 1 Abstention
Innovative Dimensions STEAM Charter
School — 4 Votes No, 1 Vote Yes
Keystone Preparatory Charter School —
5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
KIPP North Philadelphia — 4 Votes No, 1
KIPP West Philadelphia — 4 Votes No, 1
Leon Sullivan Opportunities Charter
School — 5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Liguori Academy Charter School — 5
Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Mastery North Philadelphia — 4 Votes
No, 1 Abstention
New Foundations Charter School — 5
Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
PHASE 4 America Charter School — 5
Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Philadelphia Career & Technical Acade
my Charter School — 5 Votes No, 0 Votes
Philadelphia Music & Dance Charter
School — 5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
PHMC Preparatory Charter School — 3
Votes No, 1 Vote Yes, 1 Abstention
String Theory East Falls — 4 Votes No, 1
String Theory Grays Ferry — 4 Votes No,
1 Abstention
String Theory Port Richmond — 4 Votes
No, 1 Abstention
String Theory Southeast — 4 Votes No, 1
Sustainable Roots Academy Charter
School — 5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
MaST Partnership for Science & Innova
tion — 4 Votes No, 1 Vote Yes
Pavilion Charter School for Exceptional
Students — 5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
Urban STEM Academy Charter School –
– 5 Votes No, 0 Votes Yes
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