Statement from David Oh:
This election for the next Mayor is too important to end on May 16 with a candidate receiving around 75,000 votes in a city of 1.6 million people. We need real change. That’s why I entered this race. People deserve more than 90 second answers to critical issues about complex problems that the next Mayor must resolve such as gun violence, affordable housing, property tax relief, job creation, failing schools and so much more. During the primary, inaccurate statements were made and left unchallenged under the rules of the forums. I was not invited to participate in 4 out of 5 televised forums. It’s important that inaccurate statements be challenged so that voters aren’t fooled into electing someone who did the exact opposite of what they claimed they did and aren’t likely to do as Mayor. This is no time for celebration. It’s time to get ready to get in-depth answers and closer examination of the solutions put forward by each Mayoral candidate in televised debates across this city before live audiences. Accept nothing less because your safety, health, job, residence, quality of life and children’s future, may depend on it.
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