The Philadelphia Community of Leaders General Assembly scheduled for June 27th has been postponed until the Fall. Please stay connected with PCOL via Facebook, Twitter (@PhilaCOL) and Instagram (@PhilaCOL) for more details.
The Emerging Leaders of the Philadelphia Community of Leaders present “What About Our Youth?” on
Saturday, June 20th from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at the People for People Building, 800 N. Broad Street (Enter Brown St.) 8th Floor- Presidential Suite
This is a special round-table discussion for youth, ages 13 to 16, about the issues that matter and the support they need. To register for this event, go to http://philadelphiacommunityofleaders.org. Admission is free, but donations are welcomed.
As part of it’s Macy’s Family Fun Day series, The African American Museum In Philadelphia presents a Juneteenth Celebration on from 10AM to 5PM on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at the museum, which is located at 7th and Arch Streets.
Juneteenth marks the date in 1865 when enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas – one of the furthest corners of the Confederate South – learned that the Civil War had ended and they were now free, a freedom enforced by the presence of the Union Army. Each year, people of African descent across the globe gather on or around this day to celebrate with crafts, music, dancing and more. This year is extra special, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, and of the first Juneteenth celebrations! In addition to a variety of activities including puppet shows and face painting, attendees will interact with costumed re-enactors and historians from the United States Colored Troops 3rd, 6th and 26th Regiments. Admission is free and the event is made possible with additional support from the Pennsylvania Abolition Society and the Endowment Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation.
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