Jobs Tour kicks off with announcement of job-creation legislation in Columbus
NEW YORK, NY–As part of the National Urban League’s War on Unemployment, President and CEO Marc H. Morial will visit Urban League affiliates in Ohio during a national “jobs tour” to promote the League’s 12-Point Jobs Rebuild America Plan and dialogue with community members.
“The communities of Ohio and the Rust Belt region have been among the hardest hit by the national jobs crisis,” Morial said. “I’m very pleased to lend my support to important job-creation legislation that will be announced tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing from individuals and community leaders how we can advocate, on the local and national level, for policies that address the communities most affected and help put Ohio back to work.”
Introduced earlier this year, the Jobs Rebuild America Plan offers a dozen dynamic and imaginative measures to both rescue those most profoundly affected by the ongoing economic emergency, while also remedying many of the underlying causes behind the recession’s inordinate and seemingly-amplified impact on the communities served by Urban League affiliates. The plan can be found at
Morial will visit three affiliates, whose presidents – Stephanie Hightower, of the Columbus Urban League, Marsha Mockabee of the Cleveland Urban League and Vince Watts of the Urban League of Stark County – will act as hosts for Morial’s visit.
Among the scheduled events are:
- A news conference with state Senators Nina Turner, Eric Kearney and Charleta Tavares to announce the important job-creation legislation being introduced in the Ohio legislature, 2 PM Tuesday, November 1, at the Columbus Urban League, 788 Mount Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio
- A news conference on the jobs plan with Sen. Turner 2 PM Friday, November 18, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1100 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
- An address to the Greater Stark County Urban League at 7 PM Saturday, November 19, at the Faiways Country Club, 1500 Rogwin Circle SW, North Canton, Ohio.
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