State Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams issued the following statement recently in reaction to “The Angry Trayvon” game, which had been available as a Google app.
As the highly watched murder trial of George Zimmerman – who was charged in the killing of the unarmed teenager in Florida – winds into its final days, the game was removed by the technology behemoth.
“‘The Angry Trayvon’ Google app appalled and disgusted me on so many levels that it’s hard to imagine something so repulsive actually was in the public sphere. The only heartening aspect to its outrageous existence is that decent citizens repudiated this crass attempt to divide and inflame,” Williams said.
“This trial is one of the most sensitive, heart-wrenching affairs this nation has seen in some time. Any parent – myself included – can’t help but to imagine the absolute horror this has been for Trayvon’s mom and dad. Not only must they relive the murder of their son in the courtroom as they seek justice for him, but these private people also have had to deal with crap like this floating on the web.
“Yanking this from the web should have been a no-brainer. Free marketers might argue that doing so would have been a form of censorship. Well, guess what? The market spoke. Loudly.
“While I wish Google had been faster in its response, I am pleased by another demonstration of what can happen when we collectively raise our voices to right wrongs, demand civility and seek peace.”
[Note: Below is Google’s rather meaningless and shallow apology posted on the “Angry Trayvon” Facebook page. –Ed.]
“Sorry for the inconvenience as this was just an action game for entertainment. This was by no means a racist game. Nonetheless, it was removed as will this page and anything associated with the game will be removed.”
The game was updated on July 8, 2013, but has been available since last Christmas 2012.
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