
7:55 PM / Friday February 14, 2025

24 Jul 2020

SUNrise: cj speaks… From whence we came, where do we go now?

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July 24, 2020 Category: Commentary Posted by:

As we are waking up to see what the world has going on in the news, throughout your neighborhood, and all inside of your mind, individually and collectively, we wonder what can possibly happen next.

Are you getting alarmed?  Do you feel alone or scared?   Who am I and what is going to be expected of me now?

Take a moment to look back from whence we came.  

People of color have come a long way.  However, we continue  to strive to make progress.  

As history is known to repeat itself, looking into your own mirror today, what are you willing to do to help make a change? Are you even aware of the vast opportunity that has presented itself  where you can actually do something?  As people of color, it is time to get up, get out, and do something different.  We do not want to see history repeat itself again without change for Black people. We have been walking in the wilderness for many, many years and it is now our time to fight for our rights to exist in America today!  What is stopping you?  What role do you play in the change?

When considering the question, Where do we go now?”, a great place to start is with your mind.  In order to be effective and prosperous on this journey, one will have to deprogram their mind from what they believed in before, and switch to a  new mindset regarding the real issues of today, and work towards making great changes that reflect our truths.

“That is way too much for me to handle” is a thought that many have; however, nothing is solved for its ease or comfort level.  Changes take place due to hard work, dedication, and commitment, traits that we all possess as people of color.  So begin where you are, right now!  

How do you do that? Be mindful of your diet and what you are eating and drinking each day.  Your diet will allow you to supply your mind with the nutrients that feed your heart, body, and soul.  Fruits, vegetables, water, 100% fruit juices, and protein will help get your mind back on track to think more powerfully and set you up for your individual walk on this history making journey.

If you have not already gotten on board, get out and exercise regularly and consistently.  By exercising each day, you are releasing endorphins, clearing your mind of old thoughts and making room for new ones, improving your sleep quality, and pumping your heart into a beat of good health!  This is needed in our fight as Black people to get out of the wilderness.

As you begin to see the many changes that are already being set to take place all around you, now is the time to begin with yourself!  Share it with your family and friends, take this time for yourself seriously, and find a place where you can begin on the journey in our fight as Black people living in America today.  Where would your neighbor be without you?  

The baton is in need of passing!  Are you ready to help in the journey of passing it on to the next generation?  Find your place — whatever that may look like — and start your steps on this journey!  We need YOU!  PEACE…©2020

cj is a poet, educator, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia.  She has been creating and writing for decades with the desire to share with you, the reader.  Stay tuned as she will empower, uplift, motivate, and change a thought or two!  You can hit her up at: [email protected]!

Disclaimer: The advice offered in this column is intended for informational/entertainment purposes only. Use of this column not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional, psychological or medical help, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist. This column, its author, the Philadelphia Sunday SUN newspaper and publisher are not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any given situation. You, and only you, are completely responsible for your actions.

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