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Terrence Howard, who is set to appear in the upcoming film, The Butler is in big trouble with the authorities. The actor is accused of beating his ex-wife during a recent trip to Costa Rica, according to TMZ. Howard was divorced from his ex-wife, Michelle Ghent, back in May, but apparently had reconciled with her just long enough to take a trip together. But in rocky relationships, a truce can be fragile, and this one apparently fell apart pretty quickly.
Howard has his side of the story, saying that Ghent maced him, his daughter and another family member. That’s when police were called onto the scene. But TMZ says that Howard is using the mace story to cover up his brutality toward Ghent. Howard had been accused of punching Ghent in the face in the past, and she says that he started beating on her just a week after the two were married.
But Howard has supporters, with friends saying that the woman is making everything up. They claim that she is the one who attacks Howard, and that he is simply defending himself.
She has filed for a restraining order against Howard, asking the police to keep him away from her. But there’s no explanation on why she agreed to go on a vacation with an allegedly abusive ex-husband.
Maybe the clear point here is that the two need to leave each other alone. It seems messy.
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