In the guide below, all endorsements listed are as of press time.
U.S. Senate
Democratic Party –

Bob Casey, Jr.
U.S. Senator Bob Casey, Jr. (incumbent)
Website: www.bobcasey.com
Twitter/Instagram: @Bob_Casey/@bobcaseyjr
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobCaseyJr
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Barack Obama
Labor Unions:
United Steelworkers of Pennsylvania;Pennsylvania State AFL-CIO;SEIU PA State Council; United Mine Workers of America
Equality PA; Everytown; Council for a Livable World; The Philadelphia Inquirer; National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare; Sierra Club; The Unionville Times; CASA In Action; Wawa PAC; PACE
Republican Party –

Lou Barletta
U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta
Website: www.loubarletta.com
Twitter: @louforsenate
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CongressmanLouBarletta
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Donald Trump
Labor Unions:
FOP Fort Pitt Lodge #1; Hazelton FOP Lodge 18;
Le-Hampton Lodge 35 FOP; National Electrical Contractors Association; NFIB; Pennsylvania State Troopers Association;
National Federation of Independent Businesses; Wawa PAC

Neal Gale
Green Party –
Neal Gale
Website: www.gale2018.com
Twitter/Instagram: @NealGale2018
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neal-Gale-for-US-Senate
Libertarian Party –

Dale Kerns, Jr.
Dale Kerns
Website: www.dalekerns.com
Twitter/Instagram: @DaleKernsJr
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KernsDale
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Former presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson; Gov. Bill Weld;
The Heavy Metal Libertarian; 71 Republic
Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidates
Democratic Party –

Tom Wolf
Gov. Tom Wolf
Website: www.wolfforpa.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WolfForPA
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Barack Obama
Labor Unions:
International Association of Fire Fighters; PA State FOP; Pennsylvania Professional Firefighters Association; Pennsylvania State Troopers Association;32BJ SEIU; Teamsters Joint Council No. 40; PA Conference of Teamsters; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; United Autoworkers; United Mineworkers; SEIU PA State Council
Black Economic Alliance; CeaseFire Pennsylvania; Conservation Voters of PA; Human Rights Campaign; Equality PA; Everytown; The Philadelphia Inquirer; York Daily Record; CASA in Action; Jewish Democratic Council of America; NARAL Pro-Choice America; Pennsylvania National Organization of Women; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates; PACE
Republican Party –

Scott Wagner
Scott Wagner
Website: www.wagnerforgov.com
Twitter/Instagram: @realScottWagner
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wagnerforgovernor/
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Donald Trump; Vice President Mike Pence
Americans for Prosperity; Firearm Owners Against Crime; NRA; National Federation of Independent Businesses PAC; Students First PAC; Doylestown Intelligencer;PA Chamber of Business and Industry NFIB Pennsylvania PAC; Wawa PAC

Paul Glover
Green Party –
Paul Glover
Website: www.paulglover.org
Twitter/Instagram: @metroecos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/metroeco

Ken Krawchuk
Libertarian Party –
Ken Krawchuk
Website: www.kenk4pa.com
Twitter/Instagram: @Ken4Pa/@kenk4pa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KenK4Pa/
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor
Democratic Party –

John Fetterman
John Fetterman
Website: www.johnfetterman.com
Twitter/Instagram: @JohnFetterman/johnfetterman
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnFettermanPA
Labor Unions:
Teamsters Joint Council No. 40; PA Conference of Teamsters; PFT Local 13; SEIU PA State Council; United Auto Workers
Conservation Voters of PA; Bucks County Courier Times; Equality Pennsylvania; PACE
Republican Party –

Jeff Bartos
Jeff Bartos
Website: www.jeffbartos.com
Twitter/Instagram: @jeff_bartos/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BartosForPennsylvania
National Federation of Independent Businesses PAC;The Doylestown Intelligencer

Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick
Green Party –
Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick
Website: www.gpofpa.org
Twitter/Instagram: @JocolynB
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jbowserbostick

Kathleen Smith
Libertarian Party –
Kathleen Smith
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kathy4ltgov
District 2 Candidates
U.S. House of Representatives
Democratic Party –

Brendan F. Boyle
Brendan F. Boyle (incumbent)
Website: https://voteboyle.com
Twitter/Instagram: @ RepBrendanBoyle/repbrendanboyle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brendan.boyle.7165/
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Former Philadelphia City Controller Alan Butkovitz; Councilman Bobby Henon; Councilman Bill Greenlee; Congressman Bob Brady; State Rep. Ed Neilson; State Rep. Kevin Boyle
Labor Unions:
APWU Local 7098; Boilermakers Local 13; Bricklayers Local 1: Communication Workers Local 13000; FOP Lodge 5; FOP Lodge 37; IATSE Local 8; IBEW Local 98; Insulators Local 14; Iron Workers Local 401;Iron Workers Local 405; Plumbers Local 690; Operating Engineers; PGW Local 686; Sheet Metal Workers; Sprinklers Fitters Local 692; Steamfitters Local 420; Teamsters; Transport Workers Union Local 234;UNITE HERE; United Steel Workers; PA Conference of Teamsters;SEIU PA State Council
Philadelphia City Democratic Committee;Brady Campaign; End Citizen United; Equality PA; Humane Society Legislative Fund; League of Conservation Voters; NARAL Pro-Choice; National Education Association; PennEnvironment;Planned Parenthood Action Fund; Planned Parenthood Advocates; Sierra Club

David Torres
Republican Party –
David Torres
Facebook: www.facebook.com/David-Torres-For-Congress
Website: www.torres2018.org
District 3 Candidates
U.S. House of Representatives
Democratic Party –
Dwight Evans (incumbent)
Website: http://www.dwightevans.com
Twitter: @DwightEvansPA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DwightEvansPA
Labor Unions:
PA Conference of Teamsters; SEIU PA State Council; UAW Region 9
Sierra Club; Human Rights Campaign of Pennsylvania; League of Conservation Voters; National Education Assn.; Newton Action Alliance; NORML PAC; PennEnvironment; Pennsylvania National Organization for Women; Planned Parenthood Action Fund; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates; Southeast Pennsylvania Community Action Program
Republican Party –

Bryan E. Leib
Bryan E Leib (running unopposed)
Website: www.bryanleib.com
Twitter: @LeibforPA/leibforcongress
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LeibforPA
Elected Officials and Candidates:
U.S. Rep. Ryan Costello
Associated Builders and Contractors
District 5 Candidates
U.S. House of Representatives
Democratic Party –

Mary Gay Scanlon
Mary Gay Scanlon
Website: www.scanlonforcongress.com
Twitter/Instagram: @marygayscanlon/scanlonforcongress
Facebook: www.facebook.com/marygayscanlon
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Barack Obama; Gov. Ed Rendell; Jerry Sanders, Delco Sheriff; Joanne Phillips, Delco Controller; Vice President Joe Biden;Rep. Leanne Krueger-Braneky; Mary Walk, Delco Register of Wills; Former Attorney General Eric Holder
Labor Unions:
AFSCME; Delco AFL-CIO CLC; Laborers Local #413;Montco AFL-CIO; PA AFL-CIO; Boilermakers Local 13;Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; PSEA;
SEIU – State Council; UFCW; Sheet Metal Workers Local 19
American Nurses Association; Brady Campaign; Congressional Progressive Caucus; Delco United; Democratic Jewish Outreach PA;Emily’s List; Equality PA; End Citizens United;Giffords Courage PAC; Human Rights Campaign; Humane Society; J Street; JACPAC; League of Conservation Voters; Moms Demand Action;MoveOn; NARAL; National Association of Social Workers; National Women’s Political Caucus;Progressive Turnout PAC; PA Action Protecting Disability Rights; Planned Parenthood; Jewish Democratic Council of America; National Organization for Women; Newton Action Alliance; PACE; Wawa PAC
Republican Party –

Pearl Kim
Pearl Kim
Website: www.pearlkim4congress.com
Twitter/Instagram: @PearlKimPA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PearlKimPA
Labor Unions: Delco FOP
Organizations: PA Young Republicans
Pennsylvania State Candidates
Senator In The General Assembly-2nd District
Democratic Party –

Christine Tartaglione
Christine M Tartaglione (incumbent)
Website: www.senatortartaglione.com
Twitter/Instagram: @SenTartaglione
Labor Unions:
SEIU PA State Council
Senator In The General Assembly – 4th District
Democratic Party-

Art Haywood
Art Haywood (incumbent)
Website: www.haywoodforsenate.com
Twitter/Instagram: @arthaywood/arthaywoodforsenate
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ArtHaywoodforSenate
Labor Unions:
AFL-CIO; American Federation of Teachers;
District Council 47; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; PSEA; PA Conference of Teamsters; SEIU PA State Council
Clean Water Action; Conservation Voters of PA; Humane PA; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Moms Demand Action; Montgomery County Democratic Committee; Neighborhood Networks; Penn Environment;Planned Parenthood; Political Revolution; Turn PA Blue; UFCW 1776; PACE; Pennsylvania State Nurses Association; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
Senator In The General Assembly-8th District
Democratic Party-
Anthony Hardy Williams (incumbent)
Website: www.senatoranthonyhwilliams.com
Twitter/Instagram: @SenTonyWilliams
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthony.h.williams
Representative In The General Assembly-152nd District
Democratic Party-

Daryl Boling
Daryl Boling (incumbent)
Website: www.darylboling.org
Twitter: @BolingStateRep
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BolingforStateRep/
Elected Officials, Candidates and Individuals:
President Barack Obama; Albert J. DerMovsesian, Upper Moreland School Director; Jeffrey Albert, co-chair, Upper Dublin Democrats; Ato Essandoh(actor); Emily Sproch, program manager, Howard Gilman Foundation; Claire Sommer, director/owner, Kayak Media; John Schoebloom(writer).
Planned Parenthood;CeaseFire PA; Food and Water Action; Flippable; Moms Demand Action; Pennsylvania National Organization for Women; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
Republican Party –

Tom Murt
Tom Murt (incumbent)
Website: www.tommurt.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MurtForRep
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Former PA House of Representative Speaker of the House Dennis O’Brien
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Conservation Voters of PA; Doylestown Intelligencer; Human Rights Campaign; National Association of Social Workers
Senator In The General Assembly – 4th District

Ron Holt
Republican Party –
Ron Holt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ronholtforsenate/
Representative In The General Assembly-170th District

Mike Doyle
Democratic Party-
Mike Doyle
Website: www.mikedoyleforpa.com
Twitter: @mikedoyleforpa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mikedoyleforpa/
Elected Officials and Candidates:
President Barack Obama; Former Gov. Ed Rendell
Labor Unions:
AFSCME DC47; PFT; SEIU 32BJ; SEIU PA State Council
Americans for Democratic Action; BuxMont DSA; Equality Pennsylvania; Every District; Flippable; Food and Water Action; Liberty City Democratic Club; Pennsylvania Working Families; Our Revolution Pennsylvania; People for Bernie; Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks; Philly for Change; Planned Parenthood; Reclaim Philadelphia; Run for Something; Working Families Party; EmgageActionPA; PennEnvironment
Republican Party-

Martina White
Martina White (incumbent)
Website: www.votemartina.com
Twitter/Instagram: @VoteMartina2016/votemartina
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeamMartina
Labor Unions:
Boilermakers Local 13; District Council 88; Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5;
IAFF 22-Philadelphia Firefighters; IU Elevator Constructors Local 5; IUPAT District Council 21;Operating Engineers Local 542; Pennsylvania Association of Realtors; Pennsylvania State Education Association; Pennsylvania State Troopers Association; Philadelphia Building Trades Council, Sheetmetal Workers Local 19; Sprinklefitters Local 692; Transit Workers Local 234; UA Steamfitters Local 420
Representative In The General Assembly-172nd District

Kevin J Boyle
Democratic Party –
Kevin J Boyle (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/kboyle
Twitter: @RepKevinBoyle
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-173rd District

Mike Driscoll
Democratic Party –
Mike Driscoll (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/Driscoll
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RepDriscoll/
Representative In The General Assembly-174th District

Ed Neilson
Democratic Party –
Ed Neilson (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/Neilson
Twitter: @RepNeilson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RepNeilson/
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; SEIU; PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-175th District
Democratic Party –

Mary Isaacson
Mary Isaacson
Website: www.mary4staterep.com/
Twitter/Instagram: @MaryIssacson
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mary.issacson.7
Labor Unions:
Firefighters Local 22; SEIU Local 32BJ; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers;
Conservation Voters of PA; Humane PA; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates and PAC
Representative In The General Assembly-177th District
Democratic Party –

Joe Hohenstein
Joe Hohenstein
Website: www.votehohenstein.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ElectJoeHohenstein/
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Connie Dougherty, 41st Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Tim Savage, 23rd Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Harry L. Engasser, 46th Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Margaret Rzepski, 31st Ward Leader, Democratic Party;Peter McDermott, 64th Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Rep. Jared Solomon; Robert Dellavella, 55th Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Thomas Johnson, 25th Ward Leader, Democratic Party; Former President Barack Obama; Governor Tom Wolf; State Senator Tina Tartaglione; State Rep. Mike Driscoll; Councilman Bobby Henon; Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez; Councilman Mark Squilla; Bill Dolbow, 35th Ward Leader
Labor Unions:
AFSCME Council 13; International Brotherhood of Boilermakers; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Pennsylvania Joint Board of Workers United; Pennsylvania State Education Association;Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; Plumbers Union 690; SEIU Local 32BJ;SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania; SEIU Local 668; Temple Association of University Professionals; CWA District 2-13
Americans for Democratic Action; Conservation Voters of PA; Flippable; Humane PA;Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks; Philly for Change; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates and PAC; Reclaim Philadelphia; Sierra Club; Working Families; 215 People’s Alliance
Maggie Borski; Dan Martino; Sean Kilkenny; Sean McMonagle
Republican Party –

Patty-Pat Kozlowski
Patty-Pat Kozlowski
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pattypat177/
Labor Unions:
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5; IAFF 22 – Philadelphia Firefighters; International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 53; IU Elevator Constructors Local 5; IUPAT District Council 21; KML Regional Council of Carpenters; Laborers District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity; Operating Engineers Local 542; Sheetmetal Workers Union Local 19; Transport Workers Local 234; UA Steamfitters Local 420; United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 30
Representative In The General Assembly-179th District

Jason T. Dawkins
Democratic Party –
Jason T Dawkins (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/Dawkins
Twitter: @RepDawkins
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepDawkins/
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Pennsylvania Association of Realtors; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-180th District

Angel Cruz
Democratic Party –
Angel Cruz (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/Cruz
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-181st District
Democratic Party –

Malcolm Kenyatta
Malcolm Kenyatta
Website: www.malcolmforpa.com
Twitter/Instagram: @malcolmforpa/malcolmforpa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/malcolmforpa
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Sen. Bob Casey; Sen. Cory Booker; Mayor Jim Kenney
Labor Unions:
AFT Pennsylvania; CWA District 2-13
Ascend PA PAC; CeaseFire PA; Conservation Voters of PA; 5th Square; Human Rights Campaign; Opportunity First PAC; Pennsylvania Working Families; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates and PAC Sierra Club Pennsylvania; x215 People’s Alliance
Republican Party –
Thomas Milton Street
Representative In The General Assembly-182nd District
Democratic Party –

Brian Sims
Brian Sims (incumbent)
Website: www.sims4pa.com
Twitter/Instagram: @BrianSimsPA/briansimspa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brian.k.sims/
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO;SEIU PA State Council
Human Rights Campaign; HRC Philadelphia;Humane PA; LGBTQ Victory Fund, PennEnvironment; Pennsylvania State Nurses Association; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
Representative In The General Assembly-184th District
Democratic Party –

Elizabeth Fiedler
Elizabeth Fiedler
Website: www.elizabethfiedler.com
Twitter: @Fiedler4Philly
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fiedler4Philly
Elected Officials and Candidates:
Former Philadelphia District Attorney candidate Joe Khan; State Rep. Brian Sims
Labor Unions:
AFL-CIO; AFSCME DC33; AFSCME DC47; AFSCME 1199C; American Federation of Teachers; CWA District 2-13; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; SEIU PA State Council; International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Conservation Voters of PA; Democratic Socialists of America; Americans for Democratic Action; Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties; Conservation Voters of PA; Emily’s List; Equality Pennsylvania; Food and Water Action; Grassroots Advocacy for South Philadelphia; Keystone Progress; Liberty City Democratic Club; National Organization of Women; Neighborhood Networks; Our Revolution; PennEnvironment; Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals; Pennsylvania Working Families Party; Philly for Change; Philly Set Go; Planned Parenthood; Progressive Change Campaign Committee; Reclaim Philadelphia; Represent PAC; Sierra Club; The People for Bernie Sanders; 215 People’s Alliance; UniteHere!; Working Families Party
Representative In The General Assembly-185th District
Democratic Party –

Maria P. Donatucci
Maria P Donatucci (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/donatucci
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepMariaDonatucci/
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Humane PA; Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
Representative In The General Assembly-186th District

Jordan A. Harris
Democratic Party –
Jordan A Harris
Website: www.pahouse.com/Harris
Twitter/Instagram: @RepHarris/repharris
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepJordanHarris
Labor Unions: Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-188th District
Democratic Party –

James R. Roebuck
James R Roebuck (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/roebuck
Twitter: @RepRoebuck
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepRoebuck
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Organizations: Pennsylvania Association of Realtors
Representative In The General Assembly-190th District

Vanessa Lowery Brown
Democratic Party –
Vanessa Lowery Brown (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/brown
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepLoweryBrown
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-191st District
Democratic Party –

Joanna E McClinton
Joanna E McClinton (incumbent)
Website: www.mcclintonforpa.com
Twitter/Instagram: @RepMcClinton/joanna_mcclinton
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepMcClinton
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Represent! PA
Representative In The General Assembly-192nd District

Morgan Cephas
Democratic Party –
Morgan Cephas (incumbent)
Website: www.morgancephas.com
Twitter/Instagram: @Morgan_Cephas/morgan_cephas
Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsofmorgancephas
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Organizations: Represent! PA
Representative In The General Assembly-194th District
Democratic Party –

Pamela Delissio
Pamela Delissio (incumbent)
Website: www.electpam.com
Twitter: @Rep.DeLissio/repdelissio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pam.delissio
Labor Unions:
AFSCME; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; CWA District 2-13; SEIU PA State Council
Humane PA; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Montgomery County Democratic Women’s Leadership Initiative; Pennsylvania State Education Association; Pennsylvania State Nurses Association; Planned Parenthood Action; Represent PAC; Sierra Club — Pennsylvania Chapter
Republican Party –
Sean P. Stevens
Website: https://www.facebook.com/stevensfor194/
Libertarian Party –
Matt Baltsar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Baltsar4PA
Representative In The General Assembly-195th District
Democratic Party –

Donna Bullock
Donna Bullock (incumbent)
Website: www.donnabullock195.com
Twitter/Instagram: @donnabullock195/ donnabullock195
Facebook: www.facebook.com/donnabullock195
Labor Unions:
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates; Represent!PA
Representative In The General Assembly-197th District

Danilo Burgos
Democratic Party –
Danilo Burgos
Website: www.daniloburgos197.com
Instagram: @danilo_burgos197
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DaniloBurgosfor197
Twitter: @burgosfor197
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13
Representative In The General Assembly-198th District

Rosita C. Youngblood
Democratic Party-
Rosita C Youngblood (incumbent)
Website: www.pahouse.com/youngblood
Twitter/Instagram: @RepYoungblood
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepYoungblood
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; ; SEIU PA State Council
Pennsylvania Association of Realtors; Represent PA; Sierra Club – Pennsylvania;
Representative In The General Assembly-200th District
Democratic Party –

Chris Rabb
Chris Rabb (incumbent)
Website: www.chrisrabb.com
Twitter/Instagram: @ChrisRabb200
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chrisrabbserves/
Labor Unions:
AFSCME District Council 47; American Federation of Teachers; CWA District 2-13; Faculty and Staff Federation of Community College of Philadelphia; Laborers District Council 332; Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers;SEIU PA State Council; SEIU-32BJ; Temple Association of University Professionals; United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Our Revolution; Equality PA; Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors; Humane PA; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Neighborhood Networks;Pennsylvania Working Families; Planned Parenthood; Political Revolution; PSEA; Reclaim Philadelphia; 215 People’s Alliance
Representative In The General Assembly-201st District

Stephen Kinsey
Democratic Party –
Stephen Kinsey (incumbent)
Website: www.repkinsey.com
Twitter/Instagram: @RepKinsey/stephen_kinsey
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepKinsey
Labor Unions: CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-202nd District
Democratic Party –

Jared Solomon
Jared Solomon (incumbent)
Website: www.jaredsolomon.com
Twitter/Instagram: @JaredGSolomon/staterepjaredsolomon
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JaredSolomonPA/
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
Representative In The General Assembly-203rd District

Isabella Fitzgerald
Democratic Party –
Isabella Fitzgerald (incumbent)
Website: www.isabellafitzgeralddotorg.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepIzzy
Labor Unions:
CWA District 2-13; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; SEIU PA State Council
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