According to pacourts.us, all but magisterial district judges must be members of the Bar of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judges are also subject to strict standards of conduct.
Judicial elections occur in odd-numbered years. Justices and judges may serve an unlimited number of terms until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 75 and are retained or re-elected by the voters. Vacancies that exist before an election may be filed by gubernatorial appointment until an election is held. These selections are subject to Senate confirmation.
Appellate court jurists and Courts of Common Pleas Judges are elected to a 10-year term. Magisterial district judges and Philadelphia Municipal Courts Judges are elected to a six-year term.
All Pennsylvanians who are registered as either Democrats or Republicans are eligible to vote for their party’s general election candidates for two seats on Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court; four seats on Pennsylvania’s Superior Court, and one seat on Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.
There are also six Court of Common Pleas judges and nine Municipal Court judges facing retention (yes or no) votes on Tuesday. These elections are uncontested and nonpartisan, meaning candidates are not running against opponents nor are they identified by party. Incumbent judges may run for successive 10-year terms in retention elections until he or she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75. (Source: www.seventy.org).
Court of Common Pleas

Deborah Canty
Deborah Canty(D)
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (484) 440-9456
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cantyforjudge2017.com
Ballot Position: 113
Endorsements (as of press time):
AFSME District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund; District Council #33; District Council #47 AFSME; International Union of Operating Engineers #542
Political Organizations
9th Ward
Philadelphia Bar Association

Deborah Cianfrani
Deborah Cianfrani (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (215) 922-1241
Website: www.deborahcianfrani.com
Ballot Position: 111

Lucretia Clemons
Lucretia Clemons (D-incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lucretia4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 110
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell
AFSCME District 1199C; Boilermakers Union Local 13; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98; Laborer’s District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity; International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 53; Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council; Philadelphia Carpenters Union; Philadelphia Firefighters and Paramedics Union Local 22; Plumbers Union Local 690
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Americans for Democratic Action, Southeastern Pennsylvania; Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity; Guardian Civic League; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; National Organization of Women, Philadelphia Chapter; Philly for Change
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations
Democratic City Committee; Wards 5, 8, 9, 27, and 30
Philadelphia Bar Association, Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO

Mark Cohen
Mark Cohen
Court of Common Pleas
Phone: (215) 375-4307
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position: 115
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Sheriff Jewell Williams
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District Council 1199C; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; Teamsters Joint Council 53; Teamsters Local 830
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Guardian Civic League; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; Philadelphia Council of Clergy; Philadelphia Interfaith Coalition, Reclaim Philadelphia
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations:
Gateway 2135 PAC

Vincent Furlong
Vincent Furlong (D/R – Incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 571-5328
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.electvincefurlong.com
Ballot Position:116(D)/216(R)
Endorsements (as of press time):
AFSME; Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5; International Association of Firefighters Local 22; International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Philadelphia AFL-CIO; Philadelphia Building Trades; Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 19; Transport Workers Union Local 234
Philadelphia Bar Association
Note: Candidate is running in both the Democratic and Republican contests

Shanese Johnson
Shanese Johnson (D)
Municipal Court; Common Pleas Court
Telephone: (215) 874-7270
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.shanese4judge.com
Ballot Position(CP): 114
Ballot Position(MC):
Endorsements (as of press time):
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5; Transit Workers Union Local 234
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity; Guardian Civic League;
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations
Philadelphia Democratic City Committee

Vikki Kristiansson
Vikki Kristiansson (D)
Court of Common Pleas
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vikkiforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 109
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Gov. Edward G. Rendell; Rep. Donna Bullock; Hon. Allyson Y. Schwartz
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District Council 1199C NUHHCE; Boilermakers Local 13; Gas Workers Local 686; IAFF Local 22; IBEW Local 98; Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council; Teamsters Local 115; Teamsters Local 830; Transport Workers Union Local 234
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Americans for Democratic Action – Southeastern Pennsylvania; Guardian Civic League; Latino Empowerment Alliance of the Delaware Valley (LEAD) Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; National Organization of Women; Philly for Change
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations:
Wards 5, 8, 9, 27, and 30
Philadelphia Bar Association

Zac Shaffer
Zac Shaffer(D)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (215) 849-2173
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.phillyjudge.com
Ballot Position: 112
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Sheriff Jewell Williams
AFCSME DC 47, AFSCME DC 33, AFCSME District 1199c; American Federation of Labor Organizations; Gas Workers Union Local 686; International Association of Firefighters Local 22; International Union of Painters and Allied Trades DC 21; IBEW 98; Philadelphia AFL-CIO, Philadelphia Building Trades; Sheet Metal Workers Local 19; Steamfitters Local 420, Sprinkler Fitters Local 692; Teamsters; Transport Workers Union 234
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Guardian Civic League, Liberty City LGBT Democrats; National Organization of Women (NOW); Philly LEAD
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations:
Democratic City Committee; Wards 5, 8, 9, and 27
Philadelphia Bar Association

Stella Tsai
Stella Tsai (D – incumbent)
Court of Common Pleas
Telephone: (267) 571-5164
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.electstellatsaijudge.com
Ballot Position: 108
Endorsements (as of press time):
AFL-CIO Philadelphia Council; AFSCME District Council 47; Fraternal Order of Police; Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council; Teamsters Joint Council 53
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Americans for Democratic Action; Asian Pacific American Bar Association of PA; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Political Organizations:
Wards 5, 8, 9, 27, and 30
Philadelphia Bar Association
Incumbent Court of Common Pleas judges up for re-election to another 10-year term:
Linda A. Carpenter
Ellen H. Ceisler
Michael E. Erdos
Shelley Robins New
Rosalyn K. Robinson
Teresa M. Sarmina
Municipal Court
Marissa Brumbach
Email: [email protected]
Ballot Position: 118
Endorsements (as of press time):
AFSCME District Council 47; AFL-CIO Philadelphia Council; Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5; Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 19; Teamsters Joint Council 53; Teamsters Union Local 115; Teamsters Local 830; Plumbers Union Local 690;
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Americans for Democratic Action Southeastern Pennsylvania; Guardian Civic League; Liberty City LGBT Democrats; National Organization for Women Philadelphia (NOW);
Philadelphia Bar Association

Matt Wolf
Matt Wolf
Telephone: (267) 282-1092
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mattwolfforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 119
AFSCME District Council 47; Laborers’ District Council; Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Philadelphia Democratic City Committee, Millennials in Action
Philadelphia Bar Association
Incumbent Philadelphia Municipal Court judges up for re-election to another six-year term:
James M. De Leon
Thomas F. Gehret
Nazario Jimenez Jr.
William A. Meehan Jr.
Bradley K. Moss
David C. Shuter
Karen Y. Simmons
Joyce O. Webb Eubanks
Marvin L. Williams
Pennsylvania State Judicial Candidates
Commonwealth Court Candidates
Established in 1968, the Commonwealth Court is one of two statewide intermediate appellate courts, meaning cases heard in lower courts (e.g. Court of Common Pleas) can be heard again in the Commonwealth Court on appeal. It is responsible for: Matters involving state and local governments and regulatory agencies; and handling trials where lawsuits are filed against the Commonwealth.
Candidates must be Pennsylvania residents for at least one year and members of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar at the time of filing nomination petitions for the office. Terms are for 10 years and the mandatory retirement age is 75. (Source: www.seventy.org).

Ellen Green-Ceisler
Ellen Green-Ceisler (D incumbent) Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas)
Telephone: (610) 320-2110
Email: info@Ceislerfor PA.com
Website: www.ceislerforpa.com
Ballot Position: 106
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner; Allegheny County Councilman DeWitt Walton;
Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-13th Dist.); Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale; State Senator Daylin Leach (Montgomery); State Representative Ed Gainey (Allegheny); State Representative Jake Wheatley (Allegheny): State Senator Anthony Williams (Philadelphia); Philadelphia City Council President Darrell Clarke; Pittsburgh City Councilman Dan Gilman; Pittsburgh City Councilman Daniel Lavalle; Pittsburgh City Councilman Rick Burgess; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFSCME District Council 33; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME 1199C; Delaware County AFL-CIO Labor Council; Fraternal Order of Police Pennsylvania State Lodge; Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5; Harrisburg AFL-CIO; International Association of Firefighters Local 1 (Pittsburgh); International Association of Firefighters Local 22 (Philadelphia; International Association of Firefighters Local 302 (Allentown); International Association of Firefighters Local 735 (Bethlehem); PA International Association of Firefighters; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council; Pennsylvania State Education Association; Philadelphia Federation of Teachers; Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers; Troopers Association; UFCW Local 23; United Coal Miners of America – Pennsylvania; Westmoreland AFL-CIO
Media Organizations:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
National Organization of Women – Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Sierra Club
Political Organizations
Capitol Stonewall Democrats; Liberty City LGBT Club; Pennsylvania Democratic Latino Caucus; Pennsylvania Young Democrats; Planned Parenthood – PA PAC; Steel City Stonewall Democrats; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Pennsylvania Bar Association; Philadelphia Bar Association

Irene McLaughlin Clark
Irene McLaughlin Clark(D)
Email: [email protected]
Endorsements(as of presstime):
Elected Officials:
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFSCME District Council 47; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Political Organizations:
Pennsylvania Young Democrats; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Website: http://www.irenemclarkforjudge.com/
Ballot Position: 107

Christine Fizzano Cannon
Christine Fizzano Cannon (R – incumbent), Delaware County Court of Common Pleas)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fizzanocannonforjudge.com
Ballot Position: 207
Endorsements (as of press time):
Chamber PAC; Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association; Pennsylvania State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police; Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police Lodges – Fort Pitt Lodge # 1(Pittsburgh) and Allegheny Valley Lodge #39; Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council; Pennsylvania State Police Troopers Association; Pennsylvania State Police Pioneer Lodge #37; Pittsburgh Fire Fighters IAFF Local 1
Media Organizations:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Delaware County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 27; International Association of Fire Fighters; Pennsylvania Democratic Party;
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended)

Paul Lalley
Paul Lalley (R)
Telephone: (717) 461-3546
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lalley4judge.com/
Ballot Position: 107
Endorsements (as of press time):
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
PA Builders Association; Pennsylvania Coal Alliance
Political Organizations:
Chamber PAC; NRA Political Victory Fund; Pennsylvania Medical Society’s PAC; Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Allegheny County Bar Association (Highly Recommended); Pennsylvania Bar Association
Superior Court Candidates
Established in 1895, the Superior Court is one of two statewide intermediate appellate courts, meaning cases heard in lower courts (e.g. Commonwealth Court) can be heard again in the Superior Court on appeal. It is responsible for appeals in criminal and most civil cases from the Courts of Common Pleas, and appeals on matters involving children and families.
Candidates must be Pennsylvania residents for at least one year and members of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar at the time of filing nomination petitions for the office. Terms are 10 years and the mandatory retirement age is 75.
There one Superior Court judge facing a retention (yes or no) vote on Tuesday. These elections are uncontested and nonpartisan, meaning candidates are not running against opponents nor are they identified by party. Incumbent judges may run for successive 10-year terms in retention elections until he or she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75. (Source: seventy.org).

Emil Giordano
Emil Giordano ( R- incumbent, Northampton County Court of Common Pleas)
Telephone: (717) 234-5424
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.emilgiordanoforjudge.com/
Ballot Position: 203
Endorsements (as of press time):
Bethlehem Firefighters Local 735; Fraternal Order of Police Fort Pitt Lodge #1; Fraternal Order of Police Queen City #10(Allentown); Fraternal Order of Police Star Lodge #20(Bethlehem); Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #17(Easton); Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #53 (Bucks County); International Union of Operating Engineers; Laborers’ District Council of Western Pennsylvania; PSEA (PRIMARY); Pennsylvania State Building & Construction Trades Council; Philadelphia Fire Fighters and Paramedics Union Local 22; Steamfitters Local Union 448
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Pennsylvania State Troopers Association
Political Organizations:
Chamber PAC; Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Firearms Owners Against Crime; Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended); Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police; Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Wade A. Kagarise
Wade A. Kagarise (R- incumbent, Blair County Court of Common Pleas)
Telephone: (814) 330-1604
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://judgekagarise.com
Ballot Position:204
Endorsements (as of press time):
Bald Eagle Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #51; Chamber PAC; Mountain City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #8; Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge; Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council; Sheridan Caton Memorial Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #98
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Associated Builders and Contractors of PA; Firearm Owners against Crime (FOAC); National Rifle Association; Pennsylvania State Troopers Association
Political Organizations:
Chamber PAC; Pennsylvania Medical Society PAC; Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Bar Association; Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Deborah Kunselman
Deborah Kunselman (D – incumbent, Beaver County Court of Common Pleas)
Website: www.deborahkunselman.com/
Ballot Position: 104
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFSCME District Council 47; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations
Steel City Stonewall Democrats;
Political Organizations:
Pennsylvania Democratic Party; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended)

Maria McLaughlin
Judge Maria McLaughlin (D-incumbent, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mclaughlin4superiorcourt.com
Ballot Position: 102
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials:
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFL-CIO Philadelphia; AFL-CIO Allegheny-Fayette County; AFSCME District Council 13; AFSCME District Council 47; AFSCME District Council 1199C; AFT; Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers; Fraternal Order of Police Pittsburgh Lodge #1; Fraternal Order of Police Philadelphia Lodge #5; Fraternal Order of Police Pennsylvania State Lodge; IAF; IBEW 98; Laborers’ District Council of Philadelphia; Laborers’ District Council of Western Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO; Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council; PSEA; Lehigh Valley Building Trades; Pittsburgh Regional Building Trades Council; Penna Conference of Teamsters; TWU 234
Media Organizations:
Philadelphia Gay News
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Lancaster Stands Up; NASW Pennsylvania Chapter; Planned Parenthood; Pennsylvania State Troopers Association
Political Organizations:
Capital Region Stonewall Democrats; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Montco Democracy for America; PA Democratic Latino Caucus; Pennsylvania Democratic Party; Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee Women’s Caucus; Steel City Stonewall Democrats; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Pennsylvania Bar Association; Philadelphia Bar Association (Highly Recommended)

Geoff Moulton
Judge Geoff Moulton (D – incumbent, Pennsylvania Superior Court)
Website: http://www.judgemoulton.com/
Ballot Position: 105
Endorsements (as of press time):
Elected Officials
Former Vice President Joe Biden; Governor Tom Wolf; PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro; Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto; Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald; Montgomery County Commission Chair Dr. Val Arkoosh, MD; PA Senate Democratic Minority Leader Jay Costa; PA House Democratic Minority Leader Frank Dermody; State Representative Ed Gainey; State Rep. Leanne Krueger-Braneky; State Representative Jake Wheatley; Former Governor Ed Rendell; Former State Sen. Bob Rovner; Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale
AFSCME District Council 47; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
National Association of Social Workers – PA; PA Chapter National Organization for Women (NOW); PA Chamber of Business & Industry (Chamber PAC); Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMPAC); Planned Parenthood PA Advocates; Steel City Stonewall Democrats
Political Organizations:
Bucks County Democratic Committee; Chamber PAC; Chester County Democratic Committee; Dauphin County Democratic Committee; Delaware County Democratic Committee; 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club (Pittsburgh); Gertrude Stein Club; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club; Montgomery County Democratic Committee; Steel City Stonewall Democrats; Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee; Pennsylvania State Democratic Party Latino Caucus; Philadelphia Democratic City Committee; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended)

Mary Murray
Judge Mary Murray (R- incumbent, Magisterial District Judge of the Borough of Coraopolis and Crescent, Moon and Neville Townships)
Website: http://mary4judge.com/
Ballot Position: 205

Carolyn Nichols
Carolyn Nichols (D- incumbent, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nicholsforpa.org/
Ballot Position: 103
Endorsements (as of press time):
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFSCME District Council 47; PFT Local 3;Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Philly for Change
Political Organizations:
Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus; Montgomery County Democracy for America (Montco DFA); PA Latino Caucus; PA State Democratic Party; Young Democrats of Westmoreland County
Pennsylvania Bar Association; Philadelphia Bar Association

Craig Stedman
Craig Stedman (R- incumbent, Lancaster County District Attorney)
Telephone: (717) 234-5424
Website: http://stedmanforjudge.com/
Ballot Position: 202
Endorsements: as of press time
Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police; Philadelphia Fire Fighters and Paramedics Union – Local 22; Teamsters
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Associated Builders and Contractors; Firearms Owners Against Crime; Joshua Prince, Esq.; Humane PA; Pennsylvania State Corrections Officers Association; Pennsylvania State Educators Association; PA Medical Society
Political Organizations:
Chamber PAC; NRA-PVF
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended)

Jules Marmelstein
Jules Marmelstein (Green)
Website: www.mermelstein4judge.org/
Ballot Position: 302
Incumbent Superior Court judges up for another ten-year term.:
Jacqueline Shogan
Established in 1722, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court is the highest court in the Commonwealth and the oldest appellate court in the nation. Its responsibilities include handling: Requests for discretionary appeals from the Commonwealth Court and Superior Court; Direct appeals from a lower court’s decision, including when a death sentence is issued; and requests to intervene in a lower court’s proceedings.
Candidates must be Pennsylvania residents for at least one year and members of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar at the time of filing nomination petitions for the office. Terms are for 10 years and the mandatory retirement age is 75.
There are also two Supreme Court judges facing retention (yes or no) votes on Tuesday. These elections are uncontested and nonpartisan, meaning candidates are not running against opponents nor are they identified by party. Incumbent judges may run for successive 10-year terms in retention elections until he or she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75. (Source: seventy.org).

Dwayne Woodruff
Judge Dwayne Woodruff (D- incumbent Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.woodruff2017.org
Button # 101
Elected Officials:
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene De Pasquale; Former Vice President Joe Biden
AFSCME District Council 47; Laborers District Council of WPA; Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Media Organizations:
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Political Organizations:
Lancaster County Democrats; Pennsylvania Democratic Party; Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus; Planned Parenthood PAC; Montco Democratic Committee; Schuykill County Democrats; Steel City Stonewall Democrats
Pennsylvania Bar Association

Sallie Updike Mundy
Sallie Updike Mundy (R – incumbent – PA Supreme Court)
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.keepjusticemundy.com
Button # 201
Endorsements (as of press time):
Fraternal Order of Police Local Lodge 1(Pittsburgh); Professional Fire Fighters Local 302
Nonprofit Groups and Organizations:
Firearm Owners Against Crime; PA Professional Fire Fighters Association; PA Pro Life Association; PA State Troopers Association;
Political Organizations:
NRA Political Victory Fund
Pennsylvania Bar Association (Highly Recommended)
Supreme Court justices up for another ten-year term:
Chief Justice Thomas Saylor
Justice Debra Todd
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