GlaxoSmithKline last week announced the GSK IMPACT Award Winners for the Greater Philadelphia Region at GSK’s facility at The Philadelphia Navy Yard.
Seven local nonprofits earned $40,000 each in recognition of their outstanding contributions to a healthier Philadelphia.
The winners are:
Center in the Park, Inc. –
Building healthy communities by addressing health disparities among older African Americans.
Common Market Philadelphia, Inc. –
Building healthy communities by connecting communities with healthy, sustainably grown farm food.
Homeless Advocacy Project –
Building healthy communities by improving self-sufficiency through high quality legal services.
Inn Dwelling –
Building healthy communities by helping families become self-sufficient and upwardly mobile.
Lutheran Settlement House –
Building healthy communities by empowering individuals and families through social, educational, and advocacy services.
MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance) –
Building healthy communities by providing medically appropriate meals for people with life-threatening illnesses.
New Kensington Community Development Corporation –
Building healthy communities by enhancing the physical, social, and economic fabric of the community through sustainable development.
“There is a critically important connection between our health and our community,” said Katie Loovis, Director, US Community Partnerships and Stakeholder
Engagement, GSK. “The more we understand this connection, the more we can improve it. Today’s GSK IMPACT Award Winners show us how it’s done.”
Much of what influences our health happens outside the doctor’s office – in our communities. Community factors such as safety, the accessibility of healthy
foods and recreational spaces, and the support of families and social networks undeniably contribute to our health, and present a formidable challenge for
GSK to achieve our mission of helping people do more, feel better, and live longer.
The scope of the GSK IMPACT Awards was expanded this year to recognize nonprofit organizations with sensible, sustainable programs that address these
critical community factors.
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