City Council President Anna C. Verna announced that last week, in addition to a redistricting hearing scheduled for August 16, there will be two additional hearings for the purpose of receiving public testimony concerning Councilmanic redistricting. The additional hearings are being scheduled in response to a request recently submitted by the NAACP Philadelphia Branch. [copy of letter shown] The NAACP has a longstanding interest in redistricting nationwide.
The August 16 hearing will be held in City Council’s chambers. Room 400 City Hall, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The additional hearings will be held at locations outside of Center City Philadelphia, at times and locations to be announced shortly. Taken together, these three hearings are consistent with Council’s recently adopted resolution calling for hearings to provide an opportunity for public engagement and input with respect to redistricting.
Council President Vema noted that, in addition to the three hearings, the public will have a fourth opportunity to express their views once a bill proposing a new redistricting plan is introduced. Such a bill will likely be offered at Council’s September 8 session, and, as is the case with all bills, will be followed by a scheduled hearing at which members of the public will have a full opportunity to testify.
Persons wishing to testify in person at any of the hearings are asked to call 215-686-3407 and to leave a message with their name and telephone number. Written testimony may also be submitted at any time, and will be distributed to each Council member and made a part of the official record. Written testimony should be e-mailed to [email protected] or delivered to the Office of the Chief Clerk of Council in Room 402 City Hall.
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