Philadelphia’s recent travesties continue to be highlighted in the news: the ongoing shooting incidents, train schedule disruptions and discontinuations, schools that undereducate the children who should be preparing to be our future leaders and role models, and parents wanting to promote friendships with their children instead of taking on the role of a parent.
Right now, the most urgent call to order in Philadelphia is for parents to take responsibility. Where is your child or children as you read this article? What are your child’s or children’s desires? How are you setting them up for success in their adulthood?
Children only know what we teach them. They only become what we instill, and actively seek the discipline, structure, and love that parents are expected to provide. Waking up each day, knowing where your child or children are, being aware of what is ahead for them, keeping them safe and protected, and taking your children to church or to whatever religious institution you belong to to learn about the tenets of your faith is imperative. Are you even worshipping at all as we consider this call to order?
Knowing these things about your child or children is crucial. What are they consuming in their social media? What games have you purchased for them on that ‘keep me in the house’ gaming unit? How are you responding to the call to order regarding parental guidance in these areas?
The one thing I learned when I became a parent back in April of 2004 was that my entire life changed. The places I thought I wanted to go, the things I thought I wanted to do, maybe even the consumption of certain beverages — all of that came to an end when I became a mother to my daughter. My life was called to order, and I was required to become less self-centered when it came to raising her. That was a whole lot more of God, because I had no idea what I was doing. At times today, as my daughter is soon to turn 20, I still find myself not knowing what to do. So, then I put myself in an arena where I put out a call to my friends, family, those that are around me that are mentors, those who have already stepped into the zone of parenting, and those that have experienced some of the trials and tribulations that I am anticipating at this very moment.
Being a parent is one of the hardest calls to order in my life which I have ever experienced, and which will never come to an end until God brings me to glory, or my child is called to glory.
What is your own call to order as a parent in Philadelphia during these challenging times? In order to raise these children, we must come together as a community, neighborhood, and village. Through our churches, mosques, synagogues, and wherever else we worship, we should meet this call of order to help the youth of today.
Change won’t take place by itself, without your help, or with us doing nothing, so let’s come together and make a difference as we heed this call to order in the city of Philadelphia. Let’s get up, get out and begin the work today. Mayor Parker asked you to do your part. Help her to help you, the youth, me, and God now. Until next time, take care, until next time… PEACE!
cj is an author, poet, educator, spoken word artist, writer, motivational speaker, and inspirational writer who resides in Philadelphia. If you were moved by this piece, shoot cj a “like” or comment at [email protected].
Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, The Philadelphia Sunday SUN, the author’s organization, committee or other group or individual.
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